
NEST Project

NEST is an initiative to internationalise the research activities of the ABC Department, which consists of a very simple format: that one of the NEST.

Each Nest is a research project, led by a proposing lecturer, on a specific topic, on which the research and research training activities of several people converge:

  • a “Visiting Researcher”;
  • young researchers (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, fixed term reserchers… in the broader sense of ‘Early Stage Researcher’, as defined in the Strasbourg Principles);
  • master’s degree students who are developing or will develop a thesis on the subject;
  • other University staff.

Inside the Nest, students and young researchers grow up – inspired by the lecturers and the Visiting Researcher – and learn to collaborate with each other and do research, promoting the comparison with more experienced and international researchers who, on the other hand, have the opportunity to converge the energy and passion of the former on a project they have developed. Each Nest has a specific objective and one or more products to be realised in the short term.

Ongoing Nests

  1. Cambiamenti climatici nel contesto dell’Agro Pontino.
    Visiting Researcher: Matthew BRADBURY
  2. Architettura italiana a Berlino:
    La centralità del sapere politecnico nel confronto culturale tra Italia e Germania

    Visiting Researcher: Ivan BRAMBILLA

  3. Visiting Researcher: Maja KEVDZIJA

  4. Visiting Researcher: Felipe LIVERT

    1. Cultural heritage and landscape. History, science, technology, management and valorisation. Visiting Researcher: Martin CORULLON
    2. Along the river routes from Mantua to Venice. Construction of a cultural landscape. Visiting Researcher: Andrew BERMAN
    3. Tradizione e/o ibridazione? Circolazione della cultura del progetto di matrice politecnica fra Italia e Argentina.Visiting Researcher: Federica CIARCIÀ
    4. Sicurezza dei ponti. Valutazione delle nuove Linee Guida. Visiting Researcher: Maria PREGNOLATO