DABC Department is a member of various scientific associations and thematic networks on a national and international scale.
In most cases, their objectives include fostering scientific collaboration, coordinating participation in research projects and initiatives and promoting the dissemination of results.
The Department’s strong multidisciplinary vocation is matched by the variety of thematic areas related to the networks in which DABC is involved. Moreover, this system is constantly evolving and changing, considering that the subscription is usually on a yearly basis.
Below there is a list of the associations and networks to which the Department currently adheres, with some information on the specific areas of interest and membership opportunities.
List of associations and networks to which DABC belongs
Contact person: Bruno Daniotti
ECTP is one of the 38 European Technology Platforms recognised by the European Commission as key actors in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.
ECTP gathers more than 140 Member organisations (large enterprises, SME’s, universities, research organisations and professional associations) from the whole supply chain of the Built Environment.
ECTP provides advice to national governments and the EU to shape the research strategy and foster the evolution of the sector.
ECTP helps member organisations to work collectively on relevant societal and industrial issues (i.e., energy efficiency, sustainability, infrastructure, cultural heritage). Each area of focus has a dedicated Committee, who mobilizes stakeholders to deliver on agreed priorities, share information and cooperate in the preparation of proposals for EU calls for funding.
As of 2022, DABC’s Director is part of ECTP’s Steering Committee. In the same year, a working table was set up within the Department in order to achieve maximum benefits from participation in the platform’s activities.
Contact person: Ugo Fratesi
A.I.S.Re is a scientific association aiming at fostering research, teaching, and dissemination activities in the field of regional sciences. A.I.S.Re is the Italian section of the Regional Science Association lnternational (RSAI), dedicated to regional science studies worldwide. It is member of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA).
Benefits of the members:
- the subscription to the journal SR-Regional Science (Il Mulino);
- membership in the Regional Science Association International (RSAI);
- access to AISRe E-book series;
- attend at a reduced rate the Annual Conferences of the international associations European Regional Science Association (ERSA) (www.ersa.org) and Regional Science Association International (RSAI) (https://regionalscience.org);
- the opportunity for young members to attend the Summer/Winter Schools sponsored by AISRe free of charge.
Contact person: Ingrid Paoletti
BIC is a members and industry driven organisation. Its mission is to connect industry, academia, regions and citizens to transform bio-based feedstocks into novel sustainable products and applications, and to create circular bioeconomy ecosystems through investments, innovation and know-how.
Associate Members enjoy the following rights:
- participating in BIC’s annual matchmaking event;
- participating to other activities such as webinars;
- contributing to Programming Task Forces and stakeholders consultations.
Contact person: Stefano Della Torre
BuildingSMART International is leading the digital transformation by enabling better collaboration and digital workflows through the solutions and standards it delivers. Digital workflows help you collaborate and communicate efficiency throughout all phases of the project and asset lifecycle.
Benefits for the members:
- organization logo on the bSI website;
- organization description on bSI website;
- access to exclusive membership portal on SharefileLink to your organisation’s website;
- exclusive use of bSI Logo;
- promote your company news through the RSS feed;
- project participation;
- room steering committee access;
- standards committee voting rightsbuilding.
Referente: Stefano Della Torre
CIB is the worldwide network of building and construction experts who improve their performance through international co-operation and information exchange with their peers to improve the quality and impact of research and innovation activities in the sector.
Research institutes benefit from:
- opportunities to present and validate their institute’s state-of-the-art knowledge and technology;
- engagement in the production of high status international state-of-the-art reports and in that context, present the institute’s own knowledge;
- engagement in the production of high-status international R&D Roadmaps that give guidance to research funding;
- opportunities to host international CIB Conferences and other events that may enhance their reputation as ambitious research leaders;
- networking with researchers with a similar interest from all over the world and establishing long-lasting cooperation;
- incorporation of their staff with an indication of their expertise in publicly searchable online CIB databases.
Contact person: Stefano Capolongo
CNETO aims at promoting studies and sharing information about the many issues that fall within the healthcare sector.
Contact person: Enrico Mazzucchelli
EFN is an aggregating european network of experts in the field of building envelope design, engineering and construction aiming at sharing dissemination activities, education, and research.
Contact person: Stefano Capolongo
Design for All aims to enable all people to have equal opportunities to participate in every aspect of society. To achieve this, the built environment, everyday objects, services, culture and information – in short, everything that is designed and made by people to be used by people – must be accessible, convenient for everyone in society to use and responsive to evolving human diversity.
Membership brings together a wide range of specialists of “Design for All” from all around Europe. Design for All Europe actively spreads the information of Design for All matters to politicians, designers, decisionmakers in private and communal level.
Contact person: Stefano Capolongo
Established under a mandate from the Lombardy Region, SCC Cluster develops activities for improving Lombardy’s economic system in the Smart Cities & Communities sector. It aims to bring together companies, research centers and stakeholders to promote and facilitate research and support innovation in the design and implementation of the most advanced technological solutions for the integrated management of cities and metropolis.
SCC Cluster membership provides benefits such as:
- active participation in the Smart Cities network;
- share of expertise and opportunities with other members;
- membership in European and international partnerships;
- support to regional, national, and European partnerships to respond to specific tenders;
- sharing of business opportunities;
- relations with local institutions on Smart Communities initiatives;
- targeting strategic themes for the new subsidized finance calls;
- access to Open Innovation tools for Lombardy stakeholders;
- support the participation in research and innovation projects;
- training on Smart Cities & Communities issues.
Contact person: Stefano Della Torre
TICHE Foundation is the coordinating and managing body of the National Technology Cluster in the field of Cultural Heritage Technologies. The participants – universities, public research organizations, foundations, consortia, and companies – represent the main facilities engaged in national basic and applied scientific research in the field.
Joining the TICHE Foundation enables participants to develop technological strategies and trajectories shared with central and local governments to define operational interventions in terms of research and innovation.
The Foundation develops knowledge-sharing systems through public-private collaboration and helps the planning and development of publicly co-funded scientific and technological research projects. The Foundation promotes and coordinates the organization and management of national and international research projects.
Contact person: Giuliano Dall’O
Green Building Council Association includes companies and professional communities in the sustainable building field. It is part of the World GBC network, which covers more than 70 countries.
GBC Italy promotes the transformation of the construction market through certifications and protocols, whose parameters establish criteria for the design and construction of healthy, energy-efficient buildings with low environmental impact.
Member benefits:
- participation in working groups to draft GBC protocols and in-depth study of sustainability-related topics;
- connect with the secretary and local members and stay updated on news and initiatives;
- opportunities for business development;
- professional training opportunities;
- discounting and customer service to support the application of LEED and GBC protocols.
Contact person: Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
IABSE is a scientific and technical association established in 1929 in Zurich, Switzerland, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and advancing the practice of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society.
Collective Membership Benefits:
- Visibility within the worldwide network among leaders of the profession
- ‘Structural Engineering International’ (SEI), subscription for two print copies
- SEI Online access to all issues starting from 1991
- Free e-books e.g. Structural Engineering Documents (SED)
- IABSE Publications at reduced price
- Free job advertising on www.iabse.org
Two representatives of the Collective Membership get:
- Opportunity to participate in Technical Groups of IABSE and activities of their National Group
- Reduced fees at IABSE Conferences worldwide
- Access to the ‘Members Area’ including Membership Directory and more.
Contact person: Alessandra Zanelli
The IASS goal is the achievement of further progress through an interchange of ideas among all those interested in lightweight structural systems such as lattice, tension, membrane, and shell structures, in particular architects, engineers, builders, and academics.
The benefits of IASS Membership are:
- full access to the IASS publications;
- contribution of proposed technical papers, project reports and discussion to the Journal of the IASS and conference papers to IASS Symposia and Colloquia (all subject to peer review);
- participation in IASS working is subject to an expression of interest and requires to be active
- reduced Conference Fees at all IASS symposia and colloquia;
- access to online members-only directory, including the option to post one’s own profile and to browse or search the profiles of other members.
Contact person: Giuliana Iannacone
Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C) represents the Lombardy production system for energy and environment and is officially recognised by the Lombardy Region.
LE2C, founded in 2009 on the initiative of 8 enterprises, since 2014 it has become a recognised association, an “extended laboratory” in which to develop research, innovation and business projects, thanks to the presence in its membership of about a hundred mall, medium and large enterprises, 16 business associations and non-profit organisations, 12 universities and research centres, 5 public administration bodies, 4 banking institutions and 3 media institutions.
The mission of the Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster is to promote synergies between the business and research worlds in order to increase the competitiveness of its members in the energy and green technology sector.
In particular, the ABC Department is present with its own representative within the Green Building Competence Area (http://energycluster.it/it/aree-di-competenza/green-building) which promotes at regional level strategic actions for the construction sector in support of the European Green Deal and its programme to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
- participate in b2b, thematic meetings, activities with companies, universities and research centres
- contribute to the work of the four Competence Areas and collaborate on innovative topics
- influence the policies of the Lombardy Region on the development of topics of strategic importance
- propose ideas and projects to be developed with other enterprises, universities and research centres
- receive the newsletter on the most significant opportunities and activities for members
- access the rewards provided in the Lombardy Region research and innovation calls for Cluster members
Contact person: Raffaella Brumana / Branka Cuca
NEREUS represents the interests of European regions that use space technologies whilst simultaneously highlighting the regional dimension of European space policy and programmes. It is the key mission of NEREUS, as a unique thematic network for matters of regional Space Uses, to explore the benefits of space technologies for European Regions and their citizens as well as to promote the use of space and its applications.
Associate members can play an important role in driving project activities with a strong market and research dimension. They can have their presentation space on the NEREUS-platform and can share information of their projects/activities on the platform and other dissemination tools.
Contact person: Carlo Poggi
RILEM has the aim to promote scientific cooperation in the area of construction materials and structures, with a dominant focus on people. Its worldwide activities cover 90 countries. The mission of the association is to advance free-access scientific knowledge related to construction materials, systems, and structures and to encourage transfer and application of this knowledge world-wide.
Becoming a RILEM member allows to participate in RILEM TC meetings, be listed as author of all TC outputs and as a TC member on RILEM website. Each RILEM TC member receives:
- a personal free access (with user name and password) to the private directories of the RILEM TC hosted at www.rilem.net, where working documents, agendas and minutes of the TC (uploaded directly by the TC Chair or his Deputy Chair) can be downloaded;
- a personal access to each document produced by the RILEM Technical Committee.
Contact person: Francesco Pittau
SBE was launched in 2000 and now operates on a three-year cycle. The main objective is to disseminate innovative policies and developments in the field of sustainable urban environment. We achieve these goals through face-to-face communication of delegates at the individual conferences, the dissemination of peer-reviewed papers, and also by means of related exhibits. A second major objective is to support international exchange of views and ideas.
The SBE Series includes four international organisations as co-owners:
- International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB, https://cibworld.org)
- International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE, https://iisbe.org)
- United Nations Environment Programme (https://www.unep.org)
- International Federation of Consulting Engineers (https://fidic.org)
Contact person: Scira Menoni
SIU association aims to act contextually in the fields of urban planning profession, education and research. SIU is a cultural and research player on the themes of cities, territories, infrastructure, environment and landscapes.
Institutional Members are entitled to appoint one member to the Council of Representatives, which is the main governing body of the Society.
Institutional Members are also entitled to membership in the scientific society all its structured staff, fellows and doctoral students pertaining to the 08-F1 sector, as well as the right to pay a reduced participation fee for annual conferences.
Contact person: Alessandra Zanelli
TensiNet encourages and facilitates exchange of information and joint work, in order to increase the quality of tensile architecture.
Its aim is:
- to provide information and advice in the field of tensile membrane buildings;
- to inform about research and other technical studies necessary to support such advice;
- to inform about the application of research findings;
- to improve the quality of tensile membrane buildings;
- to increase the range of architectural applications;
- to get scientific results into practice and stimulate research initiatives.
TensiNet members have access to the network opportunities:
- teaching and training activities in the field of tensioned membrane construction;
- to support in the dissemination of ongoing research;
- to access to complete newsletter;
- special price to attend the TensiNet Symposium (every three years);
- to access to internal reference documents, Working Group publications and the proceedings of the TensiNet symposium;
- being part of the Working Groups (each Working Group focuses on a specific topic and is responsible for its operation);
- to access to online recources – projects database, reference documents, research reports.
The UNI is a participatory platform recognized by the Italian state and the European Union. It is part of the CEN and ISO organizations and aims to develop simple, cost-effective standards to encourage technology transfer; reduce the economic and financial risk of research and development; make Italian companies more competitive; protect citizens, consumers, and workers; protect the environment and promote sustainability; and help legislators.
Member benefits:
- access to restricted content on the website;
- hard copy of “STANDARD” magazine and possibility to download the electronic version;
- access to the weekly “UNInotizie” newsletter;
- active participation in technical bodies and in their work;
- access to the UNIterm multilingual terminology database and the experimental service “SpiegaNORMA”;
- free consultation of the full texts of draft CEN standards (prEN);
- integrity tool: a 10-step interactive path to reflect on the culture of integrity;
- risk tool: online questionnaire to understand how “ethical risk” is perceived;
- discounts on standards, publishing products, training courses;
- discounts on the purchase of the online subscription with the complete collection of UNI standards;
- special projects: activation/management of CEN/ISO secretariats, reference practices and more;
- “tailor-made” strategic collaboration agreements, whether commercial, editorial, communication or other.
Contact person: Lionella Scazzosi
UNINSCAPE is the European Network of universities dedicated to landscape studies and education according to the principles of the European Landscape Convention. The aim is to reinforce interdisciplinary co-operation within and among European universities regarding landscape issues. UNISCAPE thereby promotes the principles and the objectives of the Florence Convention. UNISCAPE is an International NGO enjoying the Participatory Status with the Council of Europe.