Gabriele Milani

Professore ordinario
CEAR-06/A -

Personal data:

• Place of birth: Cittadella (PD), Italy

• Date of birth: 18 July 1977

• Contacts: e-mail:

• website:

Current job address:

• Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering (A.B.C.), Technical University in Milan (Politecnico di Milano), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan

Current position:

• from 22 December 2008 to 22 December 2011: Tenure track assistant professor, sector 08/B2, scientific area ICAR/08 (Scienza delle Costruzioni).

• 2012 to present: Tenured assistant professor. His main interest is the numerical analysis of masonry walls in- and out-of-plane loaded by means of heterogeneous and homogenization approaches. Other areas of interest are the numerical determination of optimal multi-component polymeric solutions.

National Scientific Qualification results (art.16, law 30 December 2010, #240):

• January 2014. Qualification as associate professor, sector 08/B2 Scienza delle Costruzioni with 5 positive scores from all the members of the board.

• December 2013. Qualification as associate professor, sector 08/B3 Tecnica delle Costruzioni with 5 positive scores from all the members of the board.

• 2013. He participated also for the scientific qualification as Full Professor. He did not obtain the qualification, however in sector 08/B3 he obtained 3 positive scores from the members of the board (qualification is obtained with 4/5). In sector 08/B2 he obtained 1 positive score.

Previous research positions:

• April 2008-November 2008. Post doctoral researcher, Institute of Structural Engineering (IBK), Chair of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 15 CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.

• December 2004- April 2008. Post doctoral researcher, Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara.


• March 2005. PhD degree. Dr Gabriele Milani obtained his PhD degree (Summa cum laude) discussing a thesis entitled Homogenization strategies for in- and out-of-plane loaded masonry wall.

• December 2001. MSc degree. Dr Gabriele Milani obtained his MSc degree (Summa cum laude) discussing a thesis in the field of masonry modelling entitled Numerical models for the analysis of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded.

• July 1996. High school degree. Liceo Scientifico A. Roiti Ferrara, score 60/60.

Scientific interests, keywords:

Specialist: masonry, historical constructions, structural analysis, limit analysis, FEM, homogenisation theory, FRP reinforcement, genetic algorithms (GA), rubber vulcanization, elastomeric seismic isolators.

Generalist: theoretical and applied computational mechanics, structures, constitutive laws, associated and non associated plasticity, chemical reaction kinetic.

Scientific activity:

Dr. Gabriele Milani scientific interests are wide and fully documented by the many international journal papers published so far (including some papers awarded for their scientific quality).

The background of his scientific activity is focused on -but not limited to- the mechanics of materials and structures. In particular, the main subjects of his activity are the following:

[T1] Collapse analyses of entire masonry buildings or masonry walls subjected to horizontal actions (earthquakes), in-plane loads and out-of-plane loads. The analyses are performed making use of ad hoc developed techniques and based on the combined utilization of homogenization and limit analysis concepts (plane stress models, 2D models with interfaces, Kirchhoff-Love and Reissner-Mindlin plates, full 3D approaches, curved Finite Elements for vaults and domes, multi-layer models, etc.). Heterogeneous approaches are also adopted for the analysis of single, multi-wythes and multi-leaf masonry walls.

[T2] Development and application of novel micro-mechanical models based on equilibrium and admissibility (lower bound approaches) or on compatible fields of velocities (upper bound approaches) for the determination of masonry strength domains. Both the cases of in- and out-of-plane loads are investigated, with different masonry textures.

[T3] Development of FE codes for the non-linear analysis of masonry walls in- and out-of-plane loaded and curved structures. The approach proposed bases on homogenization and mathematical programming (the non-linear behaviour of masonry is approximated by means of linear piecewise constant functions which allow the application of Sequential Quadratic Programming schemes accounting for the softening behaviour).

[T4] Development and study of new numerical techniques based on homogenization for the analysis of FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymers) reinforced masonry structures in- and out-of-plane loaded (elastic, limit analysis and non-linear range).

[T5] Development of FE numerical codes for the upper and lower bound limit analysis (homogenized and heterogeneous) of masonry walls in- and out-of-plane loaded (with combined dissipation at the interfaces between contiguous elements and inside each element [triangular] or only at the interfaces between adjoining elements [triangles, tetrahedrons, wedges, 6-nodes curved triangular elements]).

[T6] Development of new non standard genetic algorithms (GA) with elitist zooming strategy for the analysis of ternary mixtures of polymers partially miscible.

[T7] Implementation of models for the analysis at collapse of entire buildings either with mechanical properties of the constituent materials assumed as random variables (Monte Carlo simulations) or for textures obtained with random variable dimensions of the blocks, e.g. quasi-periodic masonry (evaluation of the average homogenized strength domains through large scale Monte Carlo simulations).

[T8] Equivalent frame models with a multi-step approach for the analysis of masonry structures in-plane loaded. Both the cases of regular and irregular textures have been investigated.

[T9] Numerical and theoretical models for the vulcanization of EPM-EPDM rubber cured with both sulphur and peroxides. Two original theoretical models based on a single second order differential equation have been proposed to predict the reticulation level of rubber at increasing time and variable curing temperature. Several applications of technical interest, including insulated electric cables and weather strips have been analyzed.

[T10] Models for the elasto-plastic analysis of elastomeric seismic isolators.

[T11] Models for the analysis of masonry walls subjected to impacts and explosions.

[T12] Development of Sequential Linear Programming limit analysis finite elements for the analysis at collapse of in-plane loaded structures with enhanced mesh adaptation schemes.

[T13] Vulnerability analysis of masonry churches and towers. Both full 3D limit analysis and non-linear dynamic analysis with rigid elements and non linear interfaces have been successfully applied.

[T14] Numerical analysis of FRCM (Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix) systems for masonry strengthening.

Scientific collaborations:

• 01/2002-01/2008 and 01/2012-present. Scientific collaboration with Prof. Antonella Cecchi (IUAV University). The cooperation is focused on topics [T1]-[T3][T5].

• 11/2003-present. Scientific collaboration with Prof. Paulo B. Lourenco (University of Minho, Portugal). During this period he visited University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering (Campus de Azurem, Guimaraes, Portugal) four times (2003, 2005, 2010, 2012). The cooperation is focused on topics [T1]-[T5][T7][T11][T12].

• 01/2005-01/2008. Scientific collaboration with Prof. Renato S. Olivito (University of Calabria). The scientific activity was focused on topic [T3].

• 09/2005-11/2007. Scientific collaboration with Dr. Ernesto Grande (University of Cassino) and Dr. Tommaso Rotunno (University of Florence). The research had as objective topic [T4].

• 09/2005-present. Scientific collaboration with Prof. Elio Sacco on topics [T1] [T4].

• 04/2008-04/2009. Collaboration with Prof. Alessandro Dazio (ETHZ Zurich CH) and Prof. Katrin Beyer (EPFL Lausanne CH) on topic [T8].

• From 02/2009-present. Collaboration with Prof. Adolfo Santini, Dr. Giuseppe Failla, Dr. Alfredo Cundari (Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) on topic [T8].

• 01/2002-present. Collaboration with Prof. Antonio Tralli (University of Ferrara) on topics [T1]-[T5][T11][T12].

• 01/2002-present. Collaboration with Prof. Claudio Alessandri and Dr. Vincenzo Mallardo (University of Ferrara) on topics [T1][T3][T13].

• 03/2013-present. Collaboration with Prof. Sergio Lagomarsino (University of Genoa) on topic [T3].

• 11/2011-present. Collaboration with Prof. Amir Hoshang Akhaveissy. Civil Engineering Department, Razi University. Kermanshah, Iran on topic [T8]

• He actively collaborates or collaborated with several colleagues of the Technical University in Milan (in alphabetic order):

o Dr Maurizio Acito on topic [T13]

o Dr. Massimiliano Bocciarelli on topic [T13]

o Dr. Matteo Bruggi on topic [T4]

o Prof. Siro Casolo on topics [T3] [T13]

o Prof. Claudio Chesi on topic [T13]

o Dr. Roberto Fedele on topic [T4]

o Prof. Carlo Poggi on topic [T14]

o Prof. Alberto Taliercio on topic [T4]

o Dr. Marco Valente on topic [T13]

Experiences in research centres abroad:

• November 2002: Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair for Planning of Load Bearing Structures, Germany, Prof. W.Jaeger. During his visit he held a seminary entitled Homogenization techniques and FE models.

• Autumn 2003, Spring 2005, Spring 2010, Summer 2012: University of Minho, Department of Structural Engineering, Guimaraes, Portugal. Prof. P.B.Lourenco.

• October 2005: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics, Prague, Czech Republic. Prof. Jiri Sejnoha.

• November 2007, February 2010, May 2010: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), IMAC, Laboratoire d’informatique et de mecanique appliquees a la construction. Prof. Jan Smith, Prof. Pierino Lestuzzi.

Seminaries as speaker:

• November 2002: Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair for Planning of Load Bearing Structures, Germany. Homogenization techniques and FE models.

• October 2005: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics, Prague, Czech Republic. Homogenization techniques for in- and out-of-plane loaded masonry walls.

• November 2007: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), IMAC, Laboratoire d’informatique et de mecanique appliquees a la construction, Lausanne, Switzerland. FE limit analysis strategies for masonry buildings: historical heritage rehabilitation and seismic upgrading with carbon fibres.

• February 2008: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), IBK, Institut fur Baustatik und Konstruction, Zurich, Switzerland. A micro-macro modeling strategy for complex 2D FE limit analysis of masonry structures.

• March 2009: Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Department of Civil Engineering, Reggio Calabria, Italy. Multi-scale computational limit analysis strategies for the analysis of masonry structures.

• October 2010: Politecnico di Bari, Faculty of Architecture, Bari, Italy. Statics and dynamics of masonry structures. Seminary held within Antaeus Project – Doctoral School in Civil Engineering (in cooperation with Prof. Siro Casolo).

• December 2013: Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy. Semplici modelli di omogeneizzazione per l’analisi di strutture in muratura caricate nel e fuori dal piano.

Congresses as chairman:

1. 2013: Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 3-6 September 2013 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

2. 2012: The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September 2012 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

3. 2012: Simultech 2012, 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications(SIMULTECH), Rome, Italy, 28-31 July 2012. Saturday 28 July 2012, Room Velazquez Parallel Session 16.

4. 2011: Simultech 2011, 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 2011. Sunday 31 July 2011, Parallel Session 7- Methodologies and Technologies Room Oxford 16.

5. 2011: XIV Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria Sismica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, September 2011 SS01/1 & SS01/2 Special Session Risposta sismica di edifici monumentali in muratura: analisi non-lineare dinamica e statica (Organization by S.Casolo G.Milani and A.Tralli).

PhD schools membership and PhD final examination commission:

1. 2012: Politecnico di Bari XXVIII ciclo del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e in Chimica (DICATEC) [PhD in Civil, Environment and Chemical Engineering]. Collegio Docenti

2. 2012: Member of the PhD final examination commission PhD school Politecnico di Bari, sede di Taranto.

Experience as reviewer:

Reviewer for the following International Journals (within brackets the number of papers reviewed):

1. Advances in Engineering Software (9)

2. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (1)

3. Applied Mathematical Modelling (1)

4. Automation in Construction (1)

5. Composites part B: Engineering (4)

6. Composite Structures (15)

7. Computational Mechanics (1)

8. Computers and Structures (35)

9. Construction and Building Materials (8)

10. Earthquakes and Structures, An international Journal (1)

11. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (1)

12. Earthquake Spectra (2)

13. Engineering Failure Analysis (2)

14. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (1)

15. Engineering Structures (22)

16. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (2)

17. European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids (3)

18. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research ACS (2)

19. Intelligent Information Management (3)

20. International Journal of Architectural Heritage (10)

21. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (1)

22. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2)

23. International Journal of Solids and Structures (14)

24. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (1)

25. Iranian Polymer Journal (1)

26. ISRN Civil Engineering (2)

27. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (22)

28. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (1)

29. Journal od Composites for Constructions ASCE (1)

30. Journal of Control Engineering and Technology IJCET (4)

31. Journal of Engineering (2 as managing Editor)

32. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE (5)

33. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (3)

34. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ASCE (11)

35. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (1)

36. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities ASCE (1)

37. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering ASME (1)

38. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE (4)

39. JZUS Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (2)

40. Materials (1)

41. Mechanics Research Communications (1)

42. Polymer Engineering and Science (2)

43. Polymer Testing (1)

44. Proceeding of ICE: Structures and Buildings (2)

45. Rubber Chemistry and Technology (2)

46. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal, Techno Press (1)

47. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring (2)

48. Structural Engineering and Mechanics (1)

49. The Open Civil Engineering Journal (42)

50. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings (1)

51. The Scientific World Journal (1)

52. TMS Journal (1)

Reviewer for the following International Conferences:

1. IMC International Masonry Conference 2014 (5): 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, 07- 09 July 2014, University of Minho, ISISE, International Masonry Society (IMS).

2. Murico 2014 (2): Mechanics of masonry structures. Strengthened with composite materials modeling, testing, design, control. Ravenna 2014, September 9-11

3. CC 2013: Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 3-6 September 2013 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping). Evaluation commission of the Young Researcher Best Paper Competition.

4. SIMULTECH 2013 (8): 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28-31 July 2013 (Editor: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Slawomir Koziel).

5. CST 2012: The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September 2012 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping). Evaluation commission of the Young Researcher Best Paper Competition.

6. SIMULTECH 2012 (10): 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Rome, Italy, 28-31 July 2012 (Editor: Prof. Nuno Pina, Janusz Kacprzyk)

7. SIMULTECH 2011 (5): 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 2011.

8. ICTAS2011 (1): 2011 International Conference on Technology of Architecture and Structure, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, China

Evaluator for the following research proposals:

1. Partnership Programme – Joint Applied Research Projects – PCCA 2011, Romanian National Council for Research and Development.

2. Joint research projects (SCOPES) – Swiss National Science Foundation FNSNF.

He is currently (or was) in the editorial board of the following Journals:

• Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press, abstracted indexed in ISI Thompson, Scopus)

• The Open Civil Engineering Journal (Bentham publisher)

• Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering (Bentham publisher)

• Intelligent Information Management (Scientific Research Publishing (SRP:

• Journal of Control Engineering and Technology JCET (Word Academic Publishing

• The Scientific World Journal, Mechanical Engineering Section (

• Journal of Engineering, Computer Engineering Section (Hindawi publisher

• Journal of Composite Materials (

• ISRN Civil Engineering, International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) (

• From 04/2011 to 09/2013 he was Associate Editor of The Open Civil Engineering Journal (Bentham publisher). Abstracted-indexed in Scopus

• From 09/2013 to present he is Co-Editor of The Open Civil Engineering Journal (Bentham publisher). Abstracted-indexed in Scopus

He was in the editorial board of the following International Congresses:

• CST2014: The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• SIMULTECH 2014: 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Wien, Austria, 28-30 August 2014 (Editor: Tuncer Oren, Janusz Kacprzyk).

• SIMULTECH 2013: 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28-31 July 2013 (Editor: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Slawomir Koziel).

• CC2013: Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 3-6 September 2013 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• SIMULTECH 2012: 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Rome, Italy, 28-31 July 2012 (Editor: Prof. Nuno Pina, Janusz Kacprzyk).

• CST2012: The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September 2012 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• CC2011: The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, 6-9 September 2011 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• CST2010: The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, 14-17 September 2010 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• CC2009: The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 1-4 September 2009 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

• CST2008 & ECT2008: The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology and The Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

Dr. Gabriele Milani is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the International Masonry Society (IMS). He is a chartered engineer in Italy (2002-present).


• Most Cited Author Diploma, Computers & Structures, Years 2006-2010, for the paper entitled Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls. Part I: failure surfaces [Computers and Structures 84(3-4), pp. 166-180]

• Telford Premium Award, by the UK Institution of Civil Engineers, for the paper entitled FE homogenized limit analysis code for masonry buildings, published in Engineering and Computational Mechanics. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) 164, pp. 65-78.

• Nomination by the Italian Group of Computational Mechanics (GIMC) for the ECCOMAS as the single Italian candidate for the O.C. Zienkiewicz Award 2014.

Teaching activity:

Dr. Gabriele Milani is Professor (or was Professor) of the following courses:

• Mechanics of structures. Year 2005/2006 (6CFU). University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, MSc Degree (54 Hours). In Italian.

• Exercises of statics. Year 2005/2006, Year 2006/2007. University of Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture, MSc Degree (50 Hours). In Italian.

• Non linear analysis of structures (6CFU). Year 2006/2007, Year 2007/2008. University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, MSc Degree (54 Hours). In Italian.

• Principles of static in architecture (4CFU). Year 2009/2010, Year 2010/2011, Year 2011/2012. Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Civil Architecture (II Faculty of Architecture – Bovisa). In Italian.

• Principles of static in architecture (4CFU). Year 2012/2013. Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Civil Architecture (II Faculty of Architecture – Bovisa). In English.

• Structural mechanics. Year 2009/2010 (4CFU), Year 2010/2011 (4CFU), Year 2011/2012 (6CFU), Year 2012/2013 (6CFU), Year 2013/2014 (6CFU). Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Civil Architecture (II Faculty of Architecture – Bovisa). In Italian.

• Scienza delle Costruzioni. Year 2013/2014 (6CFU). Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Architecture (I Faculty of Architecture – Leonardo). In Italian.

Dr. Gabriele Milani collaborated on the teaching activity (assistant) for the following courses:

• University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, MSc Degree for the course Strength of materials (from 2005 to 2008).

• University IUAV of Venice, Faculty of Architecture for the following courses: Structural mechanics I (from 2006 to 2008) Applications of structural mechanics (2 modules, year 2006/2007).

• Technical University in Milan, Faculty of Civil Architecture Bovisa for the following course: Solids mechanics (2009).

MSc Degree Theses (Laurea) tutoring:

Dr. Gabriele Milani was tutor or co-tutor for the following MSc Degree Theses:

1. Enrico Milani (2004) (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy). Modelli agli elementi finiti per analisi al collasso di travi parete in muratura in presenza di rinforzi di C-FRP. 1 Relatore Prof. Antonio Tralli. 2 Relatore Ing. Gabriele Milani. [FE models for the analysis at collapse of C-FRP reinforced masonry walls].

2. Francesco Barigozzi (2005) (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy). Confronto fra diversi metodi di analisi di strutture in muratura in zona sismica: il caso I.P.S.S.A.R. Orio Vergani succ.le Varano sito in Ferrara. 1 Relatore Prof. Antonio Tralli. 2 Relatore Ing. Gabriele Milani. [Comparison among different analysis methods for masonry structures in seismic zone: the I.P.S.S.A.R. Orio Vergani succ.le Varano School (Ferrara) case].

3. Massimo Garutti (2006) (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy). Simulazione agli elementi finiti del comportamento dinamico di pareti in muratura. Relatore Prof. Antonio Tralli. Correlatore Ing. Gabriele Milani. A.A.2005/2006. [FE simulations of the dynamic behaviour of masonry walls].

4. Carlo Tuzza (2008) (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy). Analisi non lineari ad elementi finiti di strutture voltate in muratura rinforzate con strisce in FRP. 1 Relatore Prof. Antonio Tralli. 1 Relatore Ing. Gabriele Milani & Ing Enrico Milani [Non linear FE analyses of vaulted masonry structures reinforced with FRP strips].

5. Gabriela German (2010) (Politechnika Krakowska, Instytut Mechaniki Budowli, Poland). Homogenization method applied to analyze masonry structures. Tutors Prof. Adam Zaborski, Prof. Paulo Lourenco, Ing. Gabriele Milani.

6. Andrea Naliato (2011). (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy). Analisi non lineari ad elementi finiti di un campanile tardo medioevale in muratura nell’alto ferrarese. 1 Relatore Prof. Antonio Tralli, 1 Relatore Ing. Gabriele Milani. [Non linear FE analyses on a late medieval masonry bell tower in the Ferrara region]

7. Michela Valle’ (2013). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Engineering, Italy). Vulnerabilita sismica e analisi numeriche interpretative del collasso della torre dell’orologio di Finale Emilia. Relatore: Ing. Maurizio Acito. Correlatori: Ing. Gabriele Milani, Ing. Massimiliano Bocciarelli. Controrelatore: Prof. Claudio Chesi.

8. Michele Bosco (2013). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Engineering, Italy). Ricostruzione del modello e analisi sismica del mastio del castello delle rocche di Finale Emilia (MO). Relatore: Ing. Gabriele Milani. Correlatore: Ing. Maurizio Acito. Controrelatore: Prof. Claudio Chesi.

9. Luca Del Curto, Riccardo Ratti (2013). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Engineering, Italy). Vulnerabilita sismica e analisi numeriche interpretative dei danneggiamenti del Castello delle Rocche di Finale Emilia (MO). Relatore: Ing. Maurizio Acito. Correlatore: Ing. Gabriele Milani. Controrelatore: Prof. Claudio Chesi.

10. Stefano Rambaudi (2013). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Engineering, Italy). Analisi numeriche del comportamento strutturale di due chiese in muratura danneggiate dagli eventi sismici del Maggio 2012 in Emilia-Romagna. Relatore: Ing. Gabriele Milani. Correlatore: Ing. Stefano Zanella. Controrelatore: Ing. Marco Valente.

11. Chiara Fieni, Alessandro Mantovani (2013). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture Mantua, Italy). Comportamento sismico delle chiese in muratura. Analisi di cinque chiese dopo il sisma del maggio 2012 in Emilia. Relatore: Ing. Marco Valente. Correlatore: Ing. Gabriele Milani.

12. Claudia Resnati, Ilaria Riva (2014). (Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture I, Italy, Bachelor thesis). Analisi attraverso meccanismi di collasso di chiese in muratura danneggiate dal sisma. Relatore: Ing. Roberto Fedele. Correlatore: Ing. Gabriele Milani.

Master Degree Theses tutoring (Advanced masters in structural analysis of monuments and historical constructions):

1. Yhosimi Washington Esquivel Fernandez (2012). Characterization of the response of quasi-periodic masonry: Geometrical investigation, homogenization and structural application. Tutors: Prof. Paulo B. Lourenco, Ing. Gabriele Milani.

PhD Degree Theses co-tutoring:

Dr. Gabriele Milani was tutor for the following PhD Degree Theses:

2. Enrico Milani (2010). XXII Ciclo, University of Ferrara, Doctoral School in Civil Engineering, Italy. FE homogenized limit analysis models for unreinforced and FRP reinforced masonry curved structures (Tutors Prof. Antonio Tralli, Ing. Gabriele Milani).

3. Giuseppe Alfredo Cundari (2011). XXIII Ciclo. University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Doctoral School in Materials and Structural Engineering, Italy. Numerical approaches for the safety assessment of ancient masonry buildings (Tutors Prof. Adolfo Santini, Ing. Gabriele Milani).


Journal papers (JP) ISI

1. [01.JP] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2004). In-plane loaded CFRP reinforced masonry walls: mechanical characteristics by homogenisation procedures. Composites Science and Technology, 64, pp.2097-2112. doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2004.03.009

2. [02.JP] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2005). Validation of analytical multiparameter homogenization models for out-of-plane loaded masonry walls by means of the finite element method. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 131(2), pp.185-198. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2005)131:2(185)

3. [03.JP] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2005). Out-of-plane loaded CFRP reinforced masonry walls: mechanical characteristics by homogenization procedures. Composites Science and Technology, 65, pp. 1480-1500. doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2004.12.047

4. [04.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2006). Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls, Part I: failure surfaces. Computers and Structures 84(3-4), pp. 166-180. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.09.005 [Most downloaded articles TOP 25: CAS Jan-Mar 2006. Ranking: 1. Most cited Author Scopus 2005-2008. Most Cited Paper 2006-2010 CAS]

5. [05.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2006). Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls, Part II: structural examples. Computers and Structures 84(3-4), pp. 181-195. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.09.004 [6th Most Cited Paper 2006-2010 CAS]

6. [06.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2006). Homogenization approach for the limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 132(10), pp. 1650-1663. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2006)132:10(1650)

7. [07.JP] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2007). A Reissner-Mindlin limit analysis model for out-of-plane loaded running bond masonry walls. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44(5), pp. 1438-1460. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2006.06.033

8. [08.JP] Milani G., Zuccarello F.A., Olivito R.S., Tralli A. (2007). Heterogeneous upper-bound finite element limit analysis of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded. Computational Mechanics, 40 (6), pp. 911-931. doi: 10.1007/s00466-006-0151-9

9. [09.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2007). Genetic Algorithm for the determination of binodal curves in ternary systems Polymer / Liquid(1) / Liquid(2) and Polymer(1) / Polymer(2) / Solvent. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 28 (13), pp. 2203-2215. doi: 10.1002/jcc.20735

10. [10.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2007). 3D Homogenized limit analysis of masonry buildings under horizontal loads. Engineering Structures, 29 (11), pp. 3134-3148. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.03.003

11. [11.JP] Lourenco P.B., Milani G., Tralli A., Zucchini A. (2007). Analysis of masonry structures: review of and recent trends in homogenisation techniques. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (11), pp. 1443-1457. doi:10.1139/L07-097

12. [12.JP] Cecchi A., Milani G. (2008). A kinematic FE limit analysis model for thick English bond masonry walls. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45(5), pp. 1302-1331. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2007.09.019

13. [13.JP] Milani G. (2008). 3D upper bound limit analysis of multi-leaf masonry walls, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50(4), pp. 817-836. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2007.11.003

14. [14.JP] Grande E., Milani G., Sacco E. (2008). Modelling and analysis of FRP-strengthened masonry panels. Engineering Structures, 30 (7), pp. 1842-1860. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.12.007. TOP 25: ES Jan-Mar 2006. Ranking: 25. Jul- Sep 2008.

15. [15.JP] Mallardo V., Malvezzi R., Milani E., Milani G. (2008). Seismic vulnerability of historical masonry buildings: a case study in Ferrara. Engineering Structures, 30(8): pp. 2223-2241. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.11.006

16. [16.JP] Milani E., Milani G., Tralli A. (2008). Limit analysis of masonry vaults by means of curved shell Finite Elements and homogenization. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45(20): pp. 5258-5288. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2008.05.019

17. [17.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2008). Genetic algorithm for the optimization of rubber insulated high voltage power cables production lines. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32: pp. 3198-3212. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2008.05.010

18. [18.JP] Milani G. (2009). Homogenized limit analysis of FRP-reinforced masonry walls out-of-plane loaded. Computational Mechanics, 43: pp. 617-639. doi: 10.1007/s00466-008-0334-7

19. [19.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2009). A discontinuous quasi-upper bound limit analysis approach with sequential linear programming mesh adaptation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 51(1): pp. 89-104. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2008.10.010

20. [20.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2009). Optimization of power cable production lines for EPM/EPDM elastomers by Genetic Algorithm with different peroxides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 111(1), pp. 482-507. doi 10.1002/app.29087

21. [21.JP] Zuccarello F.A., Milani G., Olivito R.S., Tralli A. (2009). A numerical and experimental analysis of unbonded brickwork panels laterally loaded. Construction and Building Materials, 23(5), pp. 2093-2106. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2008.08.031

22. [22.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2009). Blast analysis of enclosure masonry walls using homogenization approaches. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 7(2), pp. 91-113. doi: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.v7.i2.20

23. [23.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2009). Numerical model for the optimal vulcanization of 2D polar rubber compounds through microwaves. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 18, pp. 336-354. doi: 10.1002/mats.200900017

24. [24.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2009). Homogenized rigid-plastic model for masonry walls subjected to impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(22-23), pp. 4133-4149. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.08.007

25. [25.JP] Milani G., Beyer K., Dazio A. (2009). Upper bound limit analysis of meso-mechanical spandrel models for the pushover analysis of 2D masonry frames. Engineering Structures, 31(11), pp. 2696-2710. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.06.015

26. [26.JP] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2009). Upper Bound limit analysis model for FRP-reinforced masonry curved structures. Part I: unreinforced masonry failure surfaces. Computers & Structures, 87 (23-24), pp. 1516-1533. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2009.07.007

27. [27.JP] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2009). Upper Bound limit analysis model for FRP-reinforced masonry curved structures. Part II: structural analyses. Computers & Structures, 87 (23-24), pp. 1534-1558. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2009.07.010

28. [28.JP] Milani G. (2010). FE homogenized limit analysis model for masonry strengthened by near surface bed joint FRP bars. Composite Structures, 92(2), pp. 330-338. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2009.08.004

29. [29.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2010). Alternating tangent approach for the optimal vulcanization of 2D-3D EPM/EPDM thick elements. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115, pp. 1995-2012. DOI 10.1002/app.31239

30. [30.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2010). Optimal vulcanization of 2D-3D EPM/EPDM thick elements through peroxidic mixtures. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 47(1), pp. 229-267. doi: 10.1007/s10910-009-9566-9

31. [31.JP] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2010). Approximate limit analysis of full scale FRP-reinforced masonry buildings through a 3D homogenized FE package. Composite Structures, 92, pp. 918-935. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2009.09.037

32. [32.JP] Milani G., Benasciutti D. (2010). Homogenized limit analysis of masonry structures with random input properties: polynomial response surface approximation and Monte Carlo simulations. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 34(4), pp. 417-447. ISSN 1225-4568

33. [33.JP] Milani G. (2010). 3D FE limit analysis model for multi-layer masonry structures reinforced with FRP strips. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 52, pp. 784-803. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2010.01.004

34. [34.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2010). A simplified homogenized limit analysis model for randomly assembled blocks out-of-plane loaded. Computers & Structures, 88, pp. 690-717. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2010.02.009

35. [35.JP] Fedele R., Milani G. (2010). A numerical insight into the response of masonry reinforced by FRP strips. The case of perfect adhesion. Composite Structures, 92, pp. 2345-2357. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2010.03.014

36. [36.JP] Casolo S., Milani G. (2010). A simplified homogenization-discrete element model for the non-linear static analysis of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded. Engineering Structures, 32, pp. 2352-2366. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.04.010

37. [37.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2010). A new simple numerical model based on experimental scorch curve data fitting for the interpretation of sulphur vulcanization. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 48, pp. 530-557. DOI 10.1007/s10910-010-9689-z

38. [38.JP] Milani G., Bucchi A. (2010). Kinematic FE homogenized limit analysis model for masonry curved structures strengthened by near surface mounted FRP bars. Composite Structures, 93(1), pp. 239-258. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2010.05.013

39. [39.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2010). Monte Carlo homogenized limit analysis model for randomly assembled blocks in-plane loaded. Computational Mechanics, 46(6), pp. 827-849. DOI 10.1007/s00466-010-0514-0

40. [40.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2011). A three function numerical model for the prediction of vulcanization-reversion of rubber during sulfur curing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119(1), pp. 419-437. DOI 10.1002/app.32670.

41. [41.JP] Milani G., Tralli A. (2011). Simple SQP approach for out-of-plane loaded homogenized brickwork panels accounting for softening. Computers & Structures, 89(1-2), pp. 201-215. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2010.09.005

42. [42.JP] Milani G. (2011). Kinematic FE limit analysis homogenization model for masonry walls reinforced with continuous FRP grids. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48(2), pp. 326-345. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2010.10.007

43. [43.JP] Fedele R., Milani G. (2011). Three-dimensional effects induced by FRP-from-masonry delamination. Composite Structures, 93(7), pp. 1819-1831. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.01.022

44. [44.JP] Milani G. (2011). Simple lower bound limit analysis homogenization model for in- and out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Construction & Building Materials, 25, pp. 4426-4443. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.01.012

45. [45.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2011). EPDM accelerated sulfur vulcanization: a kinetic model based on a genetic algorithm. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 49(7), pp. 1357-1383. doi: 10.1007/s10910-011-9832-5

46. [46.JP] Milani G., Venturini G. (2011). Automatic fragility curve evaluation of masonry churches accounting for partial collapses by means of 3D FE homogenized limit analysis. Computers & Structures, 89, pp. 1628-1648. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.04.014

47. [47.JP] Milani G. (2011). Simple homogenization model for the non-linear analysis of in-plane loaded masonry walls. Computers & Structures, 89, pp. 1586-1601. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.05.004

48. [48.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Simple kinetic numerical model based on rheometer data for Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer accelerated sulfur crosslinking. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124(1), pp. 311-324. DOI 10.1002/app.34867

49. [49.JP] Milani G., Tralli A. (2012). A simple meso-macro model based on SQP for the non-linear analysis of masonry double curvature structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(5), pp. 808-834. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2011.12.001

50. [50.JP] Fedele R., Milani G. (2012). Assessment of bonding stresses between FRP and masonry pillars during delamination tests. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43(4), pp. 1999-2011. 10.1016/j.compositesb.2012.01.080

51. [51.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Optimization of extrusion production lines for EPDM rubber vulcanized with sulphur: A two-phase model based on Finite Elements and kinetic second order differential equation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 43, pp.173-190.

52. [52.JP] Milani G., Casolo S., Naliato A., Tralli A. (2012). Seismic assessment of a medieval masonry tower in Northern Italy by limit, non-linear static and full dynamic analyses. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6(5), pp. 489-524. DOI:10.1080/15583058.2011.588987

53. [53.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Stretch-stress behavior of elastomeric seismic isolators with different rubber materials. A numerical insight. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 138(5), pp. 416-429. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000340

54. [54.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Direct and closed form analytical model for the prediction of reaction kinetic of EPDM accelerated sulphur vulcanization. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 50 (9), pp. 2577-2605. Doi: 10.1007/s10910-012-0048-0

55. [55.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2012). 3D non-linear behavior of masonry arch bridges. Computers & Structures, 110-111, pp. 133-150. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc. 2012. 07.008

56. [56.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). A comprehensive numerical model for the interpretation of crosslinking with peroxides and sulphur: chemical mechanisms and optimal vulcanization of real items. Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 85(4), pp. 590-628.

57. [57.JP] Milani G., Pizzolato M., Tralli A. (2013). Simple numerical model with second order effects for out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Engineering Structures, 48, pp. 98-120. Doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.08.029

58. [58.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2013). Simple homogenized model for the non-linear analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures. Part I: theory. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 139(1), pp. 59-76. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000457.

59. [59.JP] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2013). Simple homogenized model for the non-linear analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures. Part II: structural applications. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 139(1), pp. 77-93. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000479.

60. [60.JP] Casolo S., Milani G. (2013). Simplified out-of-plane modeling of three-leaf masonry walls accounting for the material texture. Construction & Building Materials, 40, pp. 330-351. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.09.090

61. [61.JP] Milani G. (2013). Effective GA approach for a direct evaluation of reaction kinetic within EPDM accelerated sulphur crosslinking. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 51, pp. 465-491. DOI 10.1007/s10910-012-0098-3

62. [62.JP] Milani G., Venturini G. (2013). Safety assessment of four masonry churches by a plate and shell FE non‐linear approach. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities ASCE, 27 (1): pp. 27-42. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000321

63. [63.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2013). Kinetic FE model to optimize sulphur vulcanization: application to extruded EPDM weather-strips. Polymer Engineering & Science, 53(2), pp. 353-369. DOI 10.1002/pen.23270

64. [64.JP] Cundari A., Milani G. (2013). Homogenized and heterogeneous limit analysis model for the pushover analysis of ancient masonry walls with irregular texture. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7(3), pp. 303-338. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2011.640737

65. [65.JP] Casolo S., Milani G., Uva G., Alessandri C. (2013). Comparative seismic vulnerability analysis on ten masonry towers in the coastal Po Valley in Italy. Engineering Structures, 49, pp. 465-490.

66. [66.JP] Akhaveissy A.H., Milani G. (2013). Pushover analysis of large scale unreinforced masonry structures by means of a fully 2D non-linear model. Construction & Building Materials, 41, pp. 276-295.

67. [67.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2013). Differential model accounting for reversion for EPDM vulcanized with peroxides. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 51(3), pp. 1116-1133. DOI 10.1007/s10910-012-0140-5

68. [68.JP] Akhaveissy A.H., Milani G. (2013). A numerical model for the analysis of masonry walls in-plane loaded and strengthened with steel bars. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 72, pp. 13-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2013.03.003

69. [69.JP] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2013). Design of the optimal fiber-reinforcement for masonry structures via topology optimization. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(13), pp. 2087-2106. DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.03.007

70. [70.JP] Milani G. (2013). Closed form analytical approach for a second order non-linear ODE interpreting EPDM vulcanization with peroxides. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 51(8), pp. 2033-2061. DOI: 10.1007/s10910-013-0198-8

71. [71.JP] Milani G., Esquivel Y.W., Lourenco P.B., Riveiro B., Oliveira D.V. (2013). Characterization of the response of quasi-periodic masonry: Geometrical investigation, homogenization and application to the Guimaraes castle, Portugal. Engineering Structures, 56, pp. 621-641. 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.05.040

72. [72.JP] Milani G., Cecchi A. (2013). Compatible model for herringbone bond masonry: linear elastic homogenization, failure surfaces and structural implementation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(20-21), pp. 3274-3296. 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.05.032

73. [73.JP] Milani G., Leroy E., Milani F., Deterre R. (2013). Mechanistic modeling of reversion phenomenon in sulphur cured natural rubber vulcanization kinetics. Polymer Testing, 32, pp. 1052-1063. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2013.06.002

74. [74.JP] Milani G. (2013). Lesson learned after the Emilia Romagna, Italy, 20-29 May 2012 earthquakes: a limit analysis insight on three masonry churches. Engineering Failure Analysis, 34, pp. 761-778.

75. [75.JP] Carozzi G., Milani G., Poggi C. (2014). Mechanical properties and numerical modeling of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems for strengthening of masonry structures. Composite Structures, 107, pp. 711-725. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.08.026

76. [76.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2014). Effective closed form starting point determination for kinetic model interpreting NR vulcanized with sulphur. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52, pp. 464-488. DOI: 10.1007/s10910-013-0272-2

77. [77.JP] Milani G., Galanti A., Cardelli C., Milani F. (2014). A combined experimental-numerical rheometric and mechanical characterization of EPM/EPDM rubber for medium voltage cable applications vulcanized with peroxides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 131(8) paper #40075. DOI: 10.1002/app.40075

78. [78.JP] Basilio I., Fedele R., Lourenco P.B., Milani G. (2014). Assessment of curved FRP-reinforced masonry prisms: experiments and modeling. Construction & Building Materials. 51C, pp. 492-505. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.11.011

79. [79.JP] Milani G., Milani F. (2014). Fast and reliable meta-data model for the mechanistic analysis of NR vulcanized with sulphur. Polymer Testing, 33, pp. 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2013.11.003

80. [80.JP] Alessandri C., Garutti M., Mallardo V., Milani G. (2014). Crack patterns induced by foundation settlements: Integrated analyses on a Renaissance masonry Palace in Italy. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. In press.

81. [81.JP] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2014). Simple topology optimization strategy for the FRP reinforcement of masonry walls in two-way bending. Computers & Structures. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2014.02.012

82. [82.JP] Minghini F., Milani G., Tralli A. (2014). Seismic risk assessment of a 50m high masonry chimney using advanced analysis techniques. Engineering Structures. In press.

83. [83.JP] Milani G., Galanti A., Cardelli C., Milani F. (2014). GA management of the production process of medium voltage rubber insulated electric cables vulcanized with water steam. Under review

84. [84.JP] Acito M., Bocciarelli M., Chesi C., Milani G. (2014). Collapse of the clock tower in Finale Emilia after the May 2012 Emilia Romagna earthquake sequence: Numerical insight. Under review.

85. [85.JP] Reccia E., Milani G., Cecchi A., Tralli A. (2014). Full 3D homogenization approach to investigate the behaviour of masonry arch bridges: The Venice trans-lagoon railway bridge. Under review.

86. [86.JP] Milani G. (2014). Upper Bound Sequential Linear Programming mesh adaptation scheme for collapse analysis of masonry vaults. Under review.

87. [87.JP] Milani G., Simoni M., Tralli A. (2014). Advanced numerical models for the analysis of masonry cross vaults: a case-study in Italy

88. [88.JP] Bruggi M., Milani G. (2014). Optimal FRP reinforcement of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded: a combined homogenization-topology optimization approach complying with masonry strength domain.

Journal Papers (JP2) Non ISI

89. [01.JP2] Milani G., Rotunno T., Sacco E., Tralli A. (2006). Failure load of FRP strengthened masonry walls: experimental results and numerical models. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring 2(1), pp. 29-50.

90. [02.JP2] Milani G. (2007). A simple equilibrated homogenization model for the limit analysis of masonry structures. WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 5(2), pp. 119-125.

91. [03.JP2] Milani G., Benasciutti D. (2008). Limit analysis of masonry structures accounting for uncertainties in constituent materials mechanical properties. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2, pp. 51-62.

92. [04.JP2] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2011). FE homogenized limit analysis code for masonry buildings. Engineering and Computational Mechanics. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) 164, pp. 65-78. Doi: 10.1680/eacm.2011.164.2.65 [Telford Medal nomination, Telford Premium Award]

93. [05.JP2] Milani G. (2012). Preface Special Issue: New Trends in the Numerical Analysis of Masonry Structures. The Open Civil Engineering Journal 6 (Sp. Issue #1), pp. 119-120. DOI: 10.2174/1874149501206010119

94. [06.JP2] Milani G., Russo S., Pizzolato M., Tralli A. (2012). Seismic behavior of the San Pietro di Coppito church bell tower in L’Aquila, Italy. The Open Civil Engineering Journal 6 (Sp. Issue #1), pp. 131-147. DOI: 10.2174/1874149501206010131

95. [07.JP2] Milani G., Sanjust C.A., Casolo S., Taliercio A. (2012). Maniace castle in Syracuse, Italy: Comparison between present structural situation and hypothetical original configuration by means of full 3D FE models. The Open Civil Engineering Journal 6 (Sp. Issue #1), pp. 173-187. DOI: 10.2174/1874149501206010173

96. [08.JP2] Acito M., Milani G. (2012). Homogenization approach for the evaluation of crack patterns induced by foundation settlement on an old masonry building. The Open Civil Engineering Journal 6 (Sp. Issue #1), pp. 215-230. DOI: 10.2174/1874149501206010215

97. [09.JP2] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Two-step model to maximize mechanical performance of extruded EPDM weather-strips. Plastics Research Online. DOI: 10.1002/spepro.004432

98. [10.JP2] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2013). Design of the optimal fiber reinforcement for masonry structures via topology optimization. Journal of Heritage Conservation 34, pp. 23-27. ISSN 0860-2395.

International Conferences (IC)

99. [1.IC] Milani G (2014). Simple homogenization models for the limit and non-linear analysis of masonry structures in- and out-of-plane loaded. In Proc. Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology CST2014, Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014 (Editor: Barry H. Topping). Invited lecture.

100.[2.IC] Bruggi M, Milani G, Taliercio A (2014). Optimal FRP reinforcement of masonry walls under in- and out-of-plane loads. In Proc. Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials: Modeling, Testing, Design, Control MURICO4, Ravenna, Italy, 9-11 September 2014 (Editor: Angelo Di Tommaso).

101. [3.IC] Milani G, Milani F (2014). Numerical approach with closed form solutions to predict the kinetic constants and the mechanical properties of Natural Rubber vulcanized with sulfur. In Proc. 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 28-30 August 2014 (Editor: Mohammad S. Obaidat).

102. [4.IC] Milani G, Acito M, Bocciarelli M, Chesi CT (2014). Advanced numerical analyses on two historical masonry structures in Finale Emilia (Italy) severely damaged by the May 2012 Emilia Romagna seismic event. In Proc. 2nd International Conference of Protection of Historical Constructions PROHITECH 2014, Antalya, Turkey, 7-9 May 2014 (Editors: Gulay Altay, Federico Mazzolani).

103. [5.IC] Alessandri C, Milani G, Tralli A (2014). Advanced FE homogenization strategies for failure analysis of double curvature masonry elements. In Proc. 10th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, ICCMSE 2014, Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2014 (Editor. Prof. Theodore Simos).

104. [6.IC] Basilio I, Fedele R, Lourenco PB, Milani G (2014). Limit Analysis Assessment of Experimental Behavior of Arches Reinforced with GFRP Materials. In Proc. 10th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, ICCMSE 2014, Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2014 (Editor. Prof. Theodore Simos).

105. [7.IC] Milani G, Olivito RS, Tralli A (2014). Experimental and numerical analysis of pre-compressed masonry walls in two-way-bending with second order effects. In Proc. 10th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, ICCMSE 2014, Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2014 (Editor. Prof. Theodore Simos).

106. [8.IC] Milani G, Valente M (2014). Safety assessment of historical masonry churches based on pre-assigned kinematic limit analysis, FE limit and pushover analyses. In Proc. 10th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, ICCMSE 2014, Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2014 (Editor. Prof. Theodore Simos).

107. [9.IC] Milani G (2013). Homogenized model for herringbone bond masonry: Linear elastic and limit analysis. In Proc. Computational Plasticity XII: Fundamentals and Applications – Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Plasticity – Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2013, pp. 705-716.

108. [10.IC] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2013). Optimal reinforcement for masonry walls subject to two-way bending. In Proc. Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 3-6 September 2013 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

109. [11.IC] Lourenco P.B., Esquivel Y.W., Milani G. (2013). Structural analysis of a quasi-random masonry wall: geometry details, homogenization and application. In Proc. 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 2-5, 2013.

110. [12.IC] Milani G., Esquivel Y.W., Lourenco P.B., Riveiro B., Oliveira D.V. (2013). Limit analysis of loaded out-of-plane rubble masonry: A case study in Portugal. In Proc. Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 3-6 September 2013 (Editor: Prof. Barry Topping).

111. [13.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2013). Numerical Model for the Prediction of Final Mechanical Properties of EPDM Vulcanized with Peroxides. Part I: Basis of the Numerical Model and Experimental Campaign. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28-31 July 2013 (Editor: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Slawomir Koziel).

112. [14.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2013). Numerical Model for the Prediction of Final Mechanical Properties of EPDM Vulcanized with Peroxides. Part II: Results. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Reykjavik, Iceland, 28-31 July 2013 (Editor: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Slawomir Koziel).

113. [15.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2013). Peroxide vulcanization: correlations between rheometric cure curves and peroxide decompositions kinetic. In: Proc. 183rd Technical Meeting Akron, Ohio Monday, April 22, 2013 – Wednesday, April 24, 2013

114. [16.IC] Milani G., Galanti A., Cardelli C., Milani F. (2013). Peroxide cross-linking of EPDM for medium voltage cable applications: experimental insight. In: Proc. 183rd Technical Meeting Akron, Ohio Monday, April 22, 2013 – Wednesday, April 24, 2013

115. [17.IC] Acito M., Milani G. (2012). Safety assessment of an ancient masonry structure by means of a homogenized non-linear approach. In Proc.: 8th Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions SAHC Congress, 5th to 17th October 2012 Wrocław, Poland.

116. [18.IC] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2012). Design of the optimal fiber-reinforcement for masonry structures via topology optimization. In Proc.: 8th Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions SAHC Congress, 5th to 17th October 2012 Wrocław, Poland.

117. [19.IC] Milani G., Pizzolato M., Tralli A. (2012). Simple homogenized plate model for out-of-plane loaded masonry taking into account material and geometrical non linearity. In Proc.: 8th Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions SAHC Congress, 5th to 17th October 2012 Wrocław, Poland.

118. [20.IC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2012). A simple homogenized model for the non-linear analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures. In Proc.: CST 2012, The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September 2012.

119. [21.IC] Bruggi M., Milani G., Taliercio A. (2012). Optimal fibre reinforcement for masonry structures using topology optimization. In Proc.: CST 2012, The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September 2012.

120. [22.IC] Uva G., Casolo S., Milani G., Acito M. (2012). An evaluation of the soil-structure interaction in the non-linear dynamic analysis of masonry towers. In Proc.: 15th Word Conference on Earthquake Engineering WCEE 15, 24 to 28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.

121. [23.IC] Casolo S., Milani G., Sanjust A., Taliercio A., Maggioni G. (2012). The seismic behavior of the Maniace caste, Syracuse: a first numerical comparison between the current condition and a hypothetical complete reconstruction. In Proc.: 15th Word Conference on Earthquake Engineering WCEE 15, 24 to 28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.

122. [24.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2012). Elastomeric seismic isolators behavior at different pads thickness. In Proc.: 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Rome, Italy, 28-31 July 2012 (Editor: Prof. Nuno Pina, Janusz Kacprzyk).

123. [25.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2011). A comprehensive numerical model for the interpretation of crosslinking with peroxides and sulphur: chemical mechanisms and optimal vulcanization of real items. In: Proc. Fall 180th Technical Meeting & Advanced Materials in Health Care Cleveland, Ohio 2011October 11-13, 2011.

124. [26.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2011). Crosslinking by peroxide and sulphur vulcanization: chemical mechanisms and reaction kinetic determination. a comprehensive numerical model. In: Proc. Simultech 2011, 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 2011.

125. [27.IC] Milani G., Fedele R. (2011). Finite element model for FRP-from-masonry delamination: three-dimensional effects and interface traction assessment. In: Proc. 16th International Conference on Composite Structures ICCS 16, Ferreira A.J.M. (Editor),FEUP, Porto, June 2011.

126. [28.IC] Cundari G.A., Milani G., Failla G., Nucera F., Santini A. (2011). Pushover analysis of an ancient masonry oil-mill in the southern Italy: a meso-macro scale model. In: Proc. 5th ICEGE International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Santiago del Chile, January 2011.

127. [29.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2010). Numerical model for the interpretation of sulfur vulcanization through the oscillating disk cure meter test. In: Proc. Fall 178th Technical Meeting of the Rubber Division of the American Chemical Society, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 12-14, 2010. ISSN: 1547-1977

128. [30.IC] Milani G., Milani E. (2010). Kinematic FE limit analysis homogenization model for masonry walls reinforced with continuous GFRP grids. In: Proc. icccbe2010, The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, UK June-July 2010.

129. [31.IC] Cundari G.A., Milani G., Failla G., Nucera F., Santini A. (2010). Two-step pushover analysis of an ancient masonry oil-mill in the Southern Italy. In: Proc. 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2010), Shanghai, China, October 2010.

130. [32.IC] Milani G., Fedele R. (2010). Delamination of FRP strips glued to masonry columns: a numerical insights. In: Proc. 8th IMC International Masonry Conference, Dresden, Germany, July 2010.

131. [33.IC] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2010). A FE limit analysis software for FRP-reinforced masonry buildings subjected to horizontal loads. In: Proc. 8th IMC International Masonry Conference, Dresden, Germany, July 2010.

132. [34.IC] Milani G. (2009). FE limit analysis meso-mechanical model for the pushover analysis of 2D masonry frames. In: Proc. 8th ICCMSE International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Rhodes, Greece, September 2009.

133. [35.IC] Milani G., Milani F. (2009). Comparative numerical study on the optimal vulcanization of rubber compounds through traditional curing and microwaves. In: Proc. 8th ICCMSE International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Rhodes, Greece, September 2009.

134. [36.IC] Lourenco P.B., Milani G., Zucchini A. (2009). Recent advances in masonry homogenization. Computational Modeling Workshop on Concrete, Masonry and on Fiber-reinforced Composites. 17-18 June 2009, Delft, The Netherlands.

135. [37.IC] Milani G., Olivito R.S., Tralli A., Zuccarello F.A. (2007). Numerical analysis of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded. In: Proc. EUROSIM 07, VI Eurosim Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2007.

136. [38.IC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2007). Heterogeneous and homogenized FE models for the limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. In: Proc. IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS IX, Barcelona, September 2007.

137. [39.IC] Milani E., Milani G., Tralli A. (2007). Homogenization and limit analysis for masonry shells. In: Proc. ANASS 07, Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2007.

138. [40.IC] Milani G., Cecchi A., Milani E., Tralli A. (2007). FE limit analysis strategies for the analysis of masonry structures in- and out-of-plane loaded. USNCCM IX San Francisco, USA, July 2007.

139. [41.IC] Lourenco P.B., Zucchini A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2006). Homogenisation approaches for structural analysis of masonry structures. In: Proc. SAHC 2006, V Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, New Delhi, India, November 2006. [Invited lecture]

140. [42.IC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2006). 3D homogenized limit analysis of masonry buildings subjected to horizontal loads. In: Proc. III ECCM Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2006.

141.[43.IC] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2006). Limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded running bond masonry walls under Mindlin-Reissner plate hypotheses. In: Proc. III ECCM Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2006.

142. [44.IC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2005). A micro-mechanical model for the homogenized limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. In: Proc. CC 2005 and AICC 2005, Rome, Italy, September 2005.

143. [45.IC] Milani G., Alessandri C. (2004). Non-linear Analysis of Historical Masonry Walls: a Homogenisation Procedure and F.E.M. Models. In: Proc. WCCM VI/APCOM 04 Congress, Beijing, China, 2004.

144. [46.IC] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2003). 3D asymptotic model for CFRP reinforced masonry walls. In: Proc. Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM 2003, Gliwice, Poland, 2003.

International Conferences Abstracts (IC2)

145. [01.IC2] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2010). Homogenized FE elasto-plastic analysis of masonry walls out-of-plane loaded with an estimation of displacements near collapse. In: IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.

146. [02.IC2] Casolo S., Milani G., Sanjust C.A., Uva G. (2010). Macro-scale dynamic modelling of out-of-plane collapse of masonry facades accounting for texture quality. In: IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.

147. [03.IC2] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2008). A new curved FE approach for analysis of masonry vaults. In: Proc. 22th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2008), Adelaide, Australia, August 2008.

National Conferences (NC)

148. [1.NC] Fedele R., Milani G. Experimental and numerical insights into FRP-reinforced samples subjected to shear tests: curvature effects and optical monitoring. In: Proc. XXI Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata (AIMETA).

149. [2.NC] Minghini F., Milani G., Cantelli M., Tralli A. Una ciminiera in muratura danneggiata dalla sequenza sismica Emiliana del Maggio 2012. In: Proc. XV Convegno ANIDIS. L’ingegneria sismica in Italia, Padova, June 30th-July 4th, 2013.

150. [3.NC] Acito M., Milani G., Chesi C., Valle’ M., Sumini V. Collapse of the clock-tower in Finale Emilia after the Emilia-Romagna seismic events in May 2012: a numerical insight. In: Proc. XV Convegno ANIDIS. L’ingegneria sismica in Italia, Padova, June 30th-July 4th, 2013.

151. [4.NC] Alessandri C., Garutti M., Mallardo V., Milani G. (2012). Dissesto statico di un edificio rinascimentale a Ferrara: tecniche di analisi e simulazioni numeriche. In: Proc. AID Monuments, Perugia, May 2012.

152. [5.NC] Casolo S., Milani G. (2011). Homogenized models for the non linear dynamic analysis of multi-leaf masonry walls out-of-plane loaded. In: Proc. XIV Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria Sismica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, September 2011.

153. [6.NC] Cundari A.G., Milani G., Santini A. (2011). Simple model for pushover analysis of masonry walls with irregular texture. In: Proc. XIV Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria Sismica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, September 2011.

154. [7.NC] Milani G., Casolo S., Mallardo V., Alessandri C. (2011). Seismic response of some ancient masonry towers in the coastal Po valley. In: Proc. XIV Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria Sismica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, September 2011.

155. [8.NC] Milani G., Casolo S., Pizzolato M., Biolcati Rinaldi M., Tralli A. (2011). Seismic assessment of a medieval masonry tower in the northern Italy: full non-linear static and dynamic analyses. In: Proc. XIV Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria Sismica, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, September 2011.

156. [9.NC] Milani G., Tralli A. (2011). Out-of-plane large displacement analysis of unreinforced masonry facades. In: Proc. XX AIMETA Congress, Bologna, Italy, September 2011.

157. [10.NC] Fedele R., Milani G. (2011). FRP from masonry delamination: A 2D-3D FEM insight. In: Proc. XX AIMETA Congress, Bologna, Italy, September 2011.

158. [11.NC] Fedele R., Milani G. (2010). Delamination of FRP reinforced masonry pillars: numerical analyses and design considerations. In: Proc. XVIII GIMC Congress, Siracusa, Italy, September 2010.

159. [12.NC] Milani G., Milani E., Tralli A. (2009). Homogenized Upper Bound FE limit analysis model for FRP-reinforced masonry vaults. In: Proc. XIX AIMETA Congress, Ancona, Italy, September 2009.

160. [13.NC] Milani E., Tralli A., Milani G. (2009). Evaluation of collapse loads of masonry vaults reinforced with FRP strips. In: Proc. MuRiCo 3, mechanics of masonry structures strengthened with composite materials: modeling, testing, design, control, Venice, Italy, April 2009.

161. [14.NC] Cecchi A., Milani G. (2007). A homogenization kinematic FE model for two-wythes English bond masonry walls. In: Proc. XVIII AIMETA Congress, Brescia, Italy, September 2007.

162. [15.NC] Milani G., Benasciutti D. (2006). Un approccio probabilistico per la valutazione della vulnerabilita’ sismica di edifici in muratura. In: Proc. XXXV AIAS Congress, Ancona, Italy, September 2006.

163. [16.NC] Mallardo V., Malvezzi R., Milani E., Milani G. (2006). 2-D non-linear seismic analysis of a historical masonry building in Ferrara. In: Proc. XVI GIMC Congress, Bologna, Italy, June 2006.

164. [17.NC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2006). A kinematic limit analysis approach for masonry buildings: in- and out-of-plane failure mechanisms. In: Proc. XVI GIMC Congress, Bologna, Italy, June 2006.

165. [18.NC] Milani G., Rotunno T., Sacco E., Tralli A. (2005). Sulla capacita’ portante di pannelli in muratura fibrorinforzati: confronto fra modellazione numerica e risultati sperimentali. In: Proc. XXXIV AIAS Congress, Milan, Italy, September 2005.

166. [19.NC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2005). A simple homogenized micro mechanical model for the analysis at the collapse of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. In: Proc. XVII AIMETA Congress, Florence, Italy, September 2005.

167. [20.NC] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2004). Limit equilibrium state for FRP reinforced masonry walls under in plane actions. In: Proc. Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with FRP-materials: Modeling, Testing, Design, Control, Venice, Italy, 2004.

168. [21.NC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B., Tralli A. (2004). A simple micro-mechanical model for the homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls. In: Proc. XV GIMC Congress, Genova, Italy, 2004.

169. [22.NC] Milani G., Tralli A. (2003). Un semplice modello micromeccanico per la derivazione delle equazioni costitutive di pareti in muratura. In: Proc. XVI AIMETA Congress, Ferrara, Italy, 2003.

170. [23.NC] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2003). Un modello per murature rinforzate con FRP: analisi del comportamento meccanico e sensitivita’ di pannelli murari al variare del posizionamento del rinforzo. In: Proc. XVI AIMETA Congress, Ferrara, Italy, September 2003.

171. [24.NC] Cecchi A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2002). A plate asymptotic model for unreinforced and FRP reinforced masonry walls. In: Proc. XIV GIMC Congress and Third joint conference of Italian group of computational mechanic and Ibero-Latin American association of computational methods in Engineering, Giulianova (TE), Italy, 2002.

National Conferences Abstracts (NC2)

172. [01.NC2] Milani G., Tralli A. (2007). Heterogeneous and homogenized FE limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. In: Proc. GMA 2007-AIMETA Trento, February 2007.

173. [02.NC2] Olivito R.S., Zuccarello F.A., Milani G., Tralli A. (2007). Sul comportamento meccanico di pareti murarie a secco a due teste: analisi numerico-sperimentale. In: Colloquium Lagrangianum, Parigi, Francia, 6-8 Dicembre 2007.

Book Chapters (BC)

174. [1.BC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2007). Modeling masonry with limit analysis finite elements: review, applications and new directions. Chapter X: Civil engineering computations: tools and techniques, edited by B.H. Topping, Saxe-Coburg publications. ISBN 978-1-874672-32-6 [Also in: Proc. CC AICC 07, The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, St. Julians, Malta, September 2007. Invited lecture]

175. [2.BC] Lourenco P.B., Oliveira D.V., Milani G. (2010). Computational advances in masonry structures: from mesoscale modelling to engineering application. Chapter 1: Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series CSETS: 25 Developments in computational structures technology, edited by B.H.V Topping, J.M. Adam, F.J. Pallares, R. Bru, M.L. Romero, Saxe-Coburg publications. ISSN 1759-3158 doi:10.4203/csets.25.1 ISBN 978-1-874672-47-0

176. [3.BC] Lourenco P.B., Milani G. (2012). Chapter I.3: Mechanical behaviour of masonry and refined models and Chapter VII: Homogenization and seismic assessment: review and recent trends. In: Mechanics of masonry structures, Springer (Editor: Maurizio Angelillo), In press.

177. [4.BC] Milani G., Lourenco P.B. (2013). A micro-mechanical model for the limit analysis of running bond masonry: applications and validation for in- and out-of-plane loaded structures. Chapter: Computational modelling of masonry, brickwork and blockwork structures II, edited by J. Bull, Saxe-Coburg publications, in press. ISBN 978-1-874672-44-9

178. [5.BC] Angelillo M., Lourenco P.B., Milani G. (2014). Masonry behavior and modelling. Chapter 1. Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 551. Angelillo, Maurizio (Ed.). ISBN 978-3-7091-1773-6

179. [6.BC] Lourenco P.B., Milani G. (2014). Homogenization and Seismic Assessment: Review and Recent Trends. Chapter 7. Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 551. Angelillo, Maurizio (Ed.). ISBN 978-3-7091-1773-6

180. [7.BC] Milani G., Milani F. (2014). Behavior of Elastomeric Seismic Isolators Varying Rubber Material and Pad Thickness: A Numerical Insight. Series: Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 256, pp. 55-70. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03581-9_4. ISBN 978-3-319-03580-2

PhD Thesis (PhDT) & Internal reports (IR)

181. [1.PhDT] Milani G. (2004). Homogenization techniques for in- and out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. PhD Thesis, Ferrara, December 2004.

182. [1.IR] Milani G., Tralli A. (2004). A micro-mechanical model for the homogenized limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Report 130 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universita’ di Ferrara, December 2004.

Divulgation articles

183. [1.DI] Milani G., Venturini G. (2009). La prevenzione dei danni causati dai terremoti: il metodo per difendere gli edifici. Chiesa Oggi 86, pp. 71.

184. [2.DI] Milani G., Fedele R. (2013). Beneficio strutturale conseguente all’introduzione di strisce in FRP su muratura. Il Giornale dell’Ingegnere #8 2013, pp.12-15.

185. [3.DI] Acito M., Milani G. (2014). Prevenzione sismica: peculiarita dei beni culturali. Il Giornale dell’Ingegnere #1 2014, pp.8-9.


• 2007: PRIN 2007 as participant (24 months). Modellazione numerica a scale diverse di problemi strutturali (National coordinator: Prof. A. Corigliano [Technical University of Milan), Local coordinator: Prof. A. Tralli [University of Ferrara])

• 2008: University of Ferrara, Technological transfer between University of Ferrara and 2SI FE software Srl (10000 Euros).

• 2012: He has been selected in the second phase (success <2%) for the ERC Starting Grant 2012 by the European Research Council.

• 2013: Official Agreement (Convenzione) between Technical University of Milan and Ministry of Architectural and Cultural Heritage (MiBAC), for the safety assessment of a masonry tower and the Finale Emilia castle collapsed during the 2012 Emilia-Romagna seismic events. Scientific responsibility: Dr. Maurizio Acito, Prof. Claudio Chesi, Dr. Gabriele Milani.

• 2013: Contract between Technical University of Milan, Department ABC, scientific responsibility Dr. Gabriele Milani and Mixer Spa, on the numerical and experimental analysis of EPDM rubber vulcanized with Di-azides (10000 Euros/year)

• 2014: Official Agreement (Convenzione) between Technical University of Milan and Arcidiocesi di Ferrara e Comacchio, for the safety assessment of masonry churches damaged by the 2012 Emilia-Romagna seismic events. Scientific responsibility: Dr. Gabriele Milani.

• 2014: Contract between Technical University of Milan, Department ABC, scientific responsibility Dr. Gabriele Milani and Pirelli Tyre Spa, on the numerical and experimental analysis of NR vulcanized with sulphur (30000 Euros/year)

• 2014-2016: Reluis (Seismic Engineering University Laboratories Network) Scientific responsible for the Technical University of Milan, Sector 1 – Work Package WP2 Task 2.2 Horizontal structures, vaults, floors, roofs and their interaction with masonry walls and WP3 Techniques/strategies of intervention on masonry constructions (7000 Euros/year)

Scopus indicators (Updated 22 March 2014)

Teaching activity indicators (from 1 [min] to 4 [max])

Fondamenti di Statica (Statics)

 Meccanica delle Strutture (Mechanics of Structures)





VQR Results (Quality of the research evaluation)

Toefl IBT (English level official test)

Reading Skills Level Your Performance

Reading High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did, typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities regardless of the difficulty of the texts.

Test takers who score at the HIGH level, typically

• have a very good command of academic vocabulary and grammatical structure;

• can understand and connect information, make appropriate inferences, and synthesize ideas, even when the text is conceptually dense and the language is complex;

• can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role that specific information serves within the larger text, even when the text is conceptually dense; and

• can abstract major ideas from a text, even when the text is conceptually dense and contains complex language.

Listening Skills Level Your Performance

Listening High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did, typically understand conversations and lectures in English that present a wide range of listening demands. These demands can include difficult vocabulary (uncommon terms, or colloquial or figurative language), complex grammatical structures, abstract or complex ideas, and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information.

When listening to lectures and conversations like these, test takers at the HIGH level typically can

• understand main ideas and important details, whether they are stated or implied;

• distinguish more important ideas from less important ones;

• understand how information is being used (for example, to provide evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process);

• recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example, in a cause-and-effect relationship);

• understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions indirectly); and

• synthesize information, even when it is not presented in sequence, and make correct inferences on the basis of that information.

Speaking Skills Level Your Performance

Speaking about familiar topics Fair(2.5 – 3.0) Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner. Your speech is mostly clear with only occasional errors. Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors. At times, the limitations prevent you from elaborating fully on your ideas, but they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.

Speaking about campus situations Fair(2.5 – 3.0) Your responses demonstrate an ability to speak in English about reading material and experiences typically encountered by university students. You are able to convey relevant information about conversations, newspaper articles, and campus bulletins; however, some details are missing or inaccurate. Limitations of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation at times cause difficulty for the listener. However, they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.

Speaking about academic course content Fair(2.5 – 3.0) Your responses demonstrate that you are able to speak in English about academic reading and lecture material, with only minor communication problems. For the most part, your speech is clear and easy to understand. However, some problems with pronunciation and intonation may occasionally cause difficulty for the listener. Your use of grammar and vocabulary is adequate to talk about the topics, but some ideas are not fully developed or are inaccurate.

Writing Skills Level Your Performance

Writing based on reading and listening Good(4.0 – 5.0) You responded well to the task, relating the lecture to the reading. Weaknesses, if you have any, might have to do with

• slight imprecision in your summary of some of the main points and/or

• use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical or unclear.

Writing based on knowledge and experience Good(4.0 – 5.0) You responded with a well-organized and developed essay. Weaknesses, if you have any, might have to do with

• use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical, unclear, or unidiomatic and/or

• elaboration of ideas or connection of ideas that could have been stronger.

[Last update: 22 March 2014]