

Updating the Grand Tour. Memory and Invention of the European Built Environment

Cristina PALLINI (docente coordinatore)

UpGranT identifies Grand Tour (GT) as a legacy, a flexible learning pathway exposing students to diversity and otherness, reempowering this long-standing practice as a transnational, multi-mediated learning and sharing practice aimed at experimenting an in-situ pedagogical model. UpGranT partnership covers five geographical and cultural contexts, which re-frame GT as an inclusive discovery of diversity and complexity. Sharing criteria of selection and interpretation, the project focuses on distinctive figures, through travel outputs and itineraries, interpreting relevant works. Partners will jointly undertake 4 GTs. Integrating life-fed learning frameworks and digital tools, UpGranT bridges into the future a long-standing apprenticeship based on travelling networks, fostering informal student-centred learning practices, self-motivation, self-development and creativy. UpGranT moves beyond a predefined idea of EU identity, solely based on classical culture, by including contemporary architecture, bringing to the foreground the negotiations and conflicts that are an integral part of it.


Universidade Do Porto; Latvijas Makslas Akademija; Università degli Studi di Bologna; Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis; Eesti Kunstiakadeemia