

Risk reduction for building energy efficiency investments

Graziano SALVALAI (docente coordinatore), Manuela GRECCHI, Marta Maria SESANA, Diletta BRUTTI

EEnvest aims at supporting investors´ decision making process by translating building’s energy efficiency technical requirements into economic indicators. These are in turn used to evaluate financial risks associated with deep renovation investment and to include non-energy benefits in asset evaluation models.
EEnvest will allow the financial sector to match investments demand and offer for commercial office buildings located in Italy and Spain. EEnvest will increase financers’, investors’, owners’, and users’ mutual trust, by identifying, quantifying, and mitigating technical risks associated to those investments as well as by reducing the cost of credit for lenders through targeted risk reduction actions.
EEnvest approach will be replicable in more countries and business cases thanks to the standardization of technical/financial due diligence framework for energy efficient renovation of buildings and to a search&match web-based platform allowing deep renovation investments to be more appealing on the financial market.

DABC role

Identification of methodology and approach for data structuring within the EENVEST platform.


Accademia Europea di Bolzano (coordinator), Global New Energy Finance S.L., Sinloc - Sistema Iniziative Locali Spa, Energinvest, Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited, R2m Solution, Union Internationale de la Proprieté Immobilière, Ecrowd Invest Plataforma de Financiacion Participativa SL