

PROtotypes of Schools to be livEd – new architectural models for the construction, the renovation and resilient recovery of school buildings and to build the future in Italy

Massimo FERRARI (docente coordinatore), Lorenzo JURINA

The research proposes an integrated approach to deal with the design of school complexes as prototypes of a new way of inhabiting the public space, to educate the individuals of the future and to build bridges between cultures. In the view of the Scottish anthropologist Tim Ingold (Ecologia della Cultura, Meltemi 2001), the school is an environment to live in, and a new way of conceiving the space of teaching and learning is needed.
The school becomes THE HOUSE OF CULTURE in a broad sense, an environment where culture is produced through the reception and processing of cultural heritage. Ingold’s anthropological vision opens to reflection on the dichotomy between building and living. Regarding the school, this awareness requires to rethink the school spaces and to consider the need of the users to choose how they want to live, based on which pedagogical-didactic orientation, and through which relationships with the urban context.


Università IUAV di Venezia (coordinator), Università degli Studi di assari, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa