
HOME2 (Squared)

HOME2 – Home of Mobile Europeans

Oscar BELLINI (docente coordinatore), Maria Teresa GULLACE, Marianna ARCIERI, Federico MARAI GIORGI

One of the great challenges of student mobility is the ability to find reliable and quality temporary accommodation in a short time.
HOME2(Squared), placing itself in continuity with the previous research project HOME – Home Of Mobile Europeans (2019-2022), aims to support Erasmus+ academics and stakeholders (universities, housing providers, student associations etc.) in the implementation, on a European scale, of processes related to Student Accommodation.
HOME2 has three main objectives:
• to continue the implementation activities of the HOME interface, within the Erasmus+ App, and the enhancement of its digital functions in order to create a univocal and transnational language to support the search and promotion of suitable accommodation for mobile students;
• to promote, on a European scale, the development of inclusive, reliable and quality housing solutions for university students, through the activation of a network with the project’s main stakeholders, in order to foster dialogue and multidisciplinary cooperation at the same time;
• develop guidelines and directions useful for the development of a possible European model of temporary accommodation for mobile students.

DABC role

Project coordination and scientific responsibility (Prof. Oscar Eugenio Bellini), leader of Work Package 1 “Project Management and quality assurance” and Work Package 2 “Students’ needs and perspective on housing: research and analysis” (Co-leader: Erasmus Student Network), coordination of the “Transnational Committee”, Co-leader of the task “final report and policy recommendations”.
The Politecnico di Milano will host the final European Conference of the project, where the results of the different activities will be presented.


Universidad de Oviedo, Erasmus Student Network, International Union of Property Owners, Housing Anywhere