

Home Of Mobile Europeans

Oscar Eugenio BELLINI (docente coordinatore), Maria Teresa GULLACE (Project manager), Matteo GAMBARO (Professor), Marianna ARCIERI (PhD), Martino MOCCHI (Research Fellow)

Finding accommodation is one of the main obstacles to international mobility, as highlighted by the HousErasmus+ research, especially for vulnerable groups (Erasmus Impact Study 2016).
In response to this issue, HOME (Home Of Mobile Europeans) makes quality accommodation options available at the fingertips of mobile Europeans, increasing the quality and transparency of information about student accommodation and ensuring that it is seamlessly shared at the European level.
HOME involves partners from three relevant areas: university, students, and accommodation providers.

DABC role

Collaboration in the definition of the “European Student Housing Quality Labels”. Venue of the final dissemination conference at European scale. Introducing the HOME digital platform for quality student housing.


European University Foundation, Erasmus Student Network, International Union of Property Owners (UIPI ASBL), Confia International, Housing Anywhere (coordinator)