

Green & sustainable public spaces in historic cities – innovative teaching programme

Nora LOMBARDINI (docente coordinatore)

The aim of the project is to create and implement at tertiary level an innovative teaching programme SUSTAINABLE & GREEN PUBLIC SPACES IN HISTORIC CITIES.
The activities undertaken are intended to sensitise students to the problem of adapting european cities and their spaces to climate change. Activity will use modern educational and digital tools. Objective of the project is also to develop and acquire new digital and green competences by students and academics professionals.
The project will include a didactic module: syllabus for the subject, a good practice handbook, and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) consisting of nine parts on, respectively, the functioning of public spaces in times of climate change adaptation, the introduction of green forms into historic cities based on NBS and the sustainable furnishing of public spaces. The course will be implemented in the field of Architecture study.


Politechnika Lubelska (coordinator), Universidad de Granada