

GREEN innovative production of bio-based TEXtiles: spinning, electrospinning and life cycle assessment of clever textiles for apparel architecture and interior design

Carol MONTICELLI (docente coordinatore), Giovanni CONTI, Giulia PROCACCINI, Amirhossein AHMADNIA

Environmental concerns and new product eco-compatibility regulations require a renewal of many design and manufacturing approaches.
Currently, bio-based materials are being developed from various natural sources and agricultural waste, most containing a large amount of cellulose, which shows great potential as a substitute for common synthetic polymers.
GREENTEX will make the production process of cellulose-based fabrics more sustainable and greener by focusing mainly on spinning methods (electrospinning and wet spinning).
GREENTEX focuses on the application of the innovative process to the exploitation of lignocellulosic biomass derived from Italian agricultural waste. The project considers the effectiveness and versatility of these processes, studying the correlation between the structure of the material produced and the characteristics of the yarns/mats obtained, for which large-scale applications will be evaluated (clothing, architecture, design, possibly in the medical field and for filtration systems).

DABC role

Textile Architecture Network (DABC), thanks to the multidisciplinary expertise of the Textiles Hub, studies the structural properties of polymers and composites for high-performance applications for reliability, durability and environmental friendliness. Together with KnitDesignLab (DESIGN) adopts an open innovation approach, involving various stakeholders to transfer GREENTEX innovation to the field, in the knitwear and textile industry.


Università degli Studi di Genova (coordinator)