

Alliance for Deep RENovation in buildings (ALDREN) Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as back-bone along the whole deep renovation process

Graziano SALVALAI (docente coordinatore), Manuela GRECCHI, Marta Maria SESANA, Diletta BRUTTI

ALDREN objectives were to achieve higher renovation rates and better renovation quality by overcoming market barriers and preparing the ground for investment.
ALDREN pursued the following results: 1) a harmonized Energy performance rating based on the European Voluntary Certification Scheme (EVCS) verified by measurements to increase comparability, confidence and market uptake by standardized solutions (CEN / ISO); 2) association of low energy renovation with high quality indoor environments to trigger renovation and to promote health and comfort; 3) alignment of market recognition of high quality with enhanced building value by financial tools and capacity building; 4) business cases for deep renovation to motivate private investment.
These solutions were integrated in a consistent, common way in a building passport to ensure the results and effective financing also in case of step by step renovation.

DABC role

Rendering of the collected data and results in a Building Passport.


Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment (coordinator), Enbee S.R.O., Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación, Certivea, Federatie van Verenigingen voor Verwarming en Luchtbehandeling in Europa REHVA, Verco Advisory Services Limited, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet