

A static and dynamic database for historic urban contexts accessibility

Andrea ADAMI (docente coordinatore), Marco SCAIONI

The project aims at developing the necessary method to design and implement a database (DB) to support the elaboration of paths to facilitate and improve the accessibility of historical urban contexts, paying attention to the most disadvantaged people.
The methodological approaches have a new nature: not “subtractive” -remove obstacles- but instead a precise verification of the situations, in order to think about elements that facilitate the access to the historic centres both for daily activities and also for extraordinary ones such as cultural visits. The aim is to propose an operational strategy so that public administrations (PA), touristic associations and social cooperatives have an organic and structured DB. It can be used for the management process of the public heritage that can range from the drafting of urban planning tools, the identification of routes, to the design of applications that favour accessibility and the enhancement of cultural routes


Università degli Studi di Brescia (coordinator), Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia