Riccardo Canella

ICAR/14 - Architectural and urban design

Born in Milan on 21st July 1963.
Graduated with Enrico Mantero and Lucio Stellario d’Angiolini in the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, where he taught Architectural Composition from 1997 (foundation year) to 2015 (final year) in the Faculty of Civil Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano-Bovisa, in the Department of the Design of Architecture. Since 2015 he has taught Architectural Composition in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering in the Politecnico di Milano-Leonardo.
From 1992 to 1996 he was an expert in Architectural Composition in the Department of the Design of Architecture. From 1993 to 1996 he was editor of the four-monthly journal Manocomete, directed by Giancarlo Majorino. From 1994 to 1996 he taught History of Art and Design at the Civico Liceo Serale in Via Marsala in Milan. In 1997 he was awarded a study grant by the National Research Committee for his thesis “Ambiente mediterraneo: migrazioni etniche e città di fondazione“. Since 2004 he has been a doctor in research in Architectural Composition. Since 2007 he has been a researcher in Architectural Composition.
He was a member of the “Architettura e città” research group (with professors Guido Canella, Lucio Stellario d’Angiolini, Antonio Acuto, Pellegrino Bonaretti, Enrico Bordogna, Marco Canesi, Vincenzo Donato), which focussed on the main types of activity of associated life, the characters of settlements, some protagonists of Italian and international architecture of the 1900s and the relationship between architecture and structural and economic phenomena of society.
Author and co-author of texts of architectural criticism, including “Sul rapporto tra luogo, tema e forma in architettura. Alcune note per un breviario generazionale di composizione“, Clup, Milan 2004, today Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna 2010 and “Auspicio di apocatastasi. ENA diario collettivo” (with D. Guido), Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna 2012.
Author and co-author of a number of architectural and urban planning projects undertaken also as a student in university courses in the Faculty of Architecture Politecnico di Milano, by self-assignment, for exhibitions on the theme, proposed for demonstrative purposes in composition courses and design laboratories in the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, proposed for demonstrative purposes in laboratories of other seminars and faculties. He has participated and still participates in the most important national and international architecture competitions as group leader.
Collective exhibitions in Vimodrone (Town Hall, 1987), Milan (Pavilion 42 of the Fair, 1988; Arengario, 1990), L’Avana (Fortezza de La Cabaña, 1991), Rome (Japanese Culture Institute, 1992), Milan (travelling exhibition organised by the Regional Congress of Lombard Architects, 1998), Venice (IUAV, University Institute of Architecture, 1999), Piacenza (Palazzo Farnese, 2000), Vigevano (Castello Sforzesco, 2001), Milan (Triennial, 2003), Milano-Bovisa (Faculty of Civil Architecture of the Polytechnic, 2005; 2012; 2014) Turin (Castello del Valentino, 2014), Milan (Campus Leonardo of the Polytechnic, 2016) illustrated the works undertaken and the competition projects, with publications and critiques in catalogues and journals.