Raffaella Brumana

Born on February, 19th 1963. Master Degree in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano (110/110 with honours). Ph.D. in Geodetic and Topographic Sciences.
Since 2002, She is Associate Professor (SSD ICAR/06 ‐ Topography Cartography PhotogrammetryGIS ) at Politecnico di Milano (ABC Department ‐ Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering).

Main Courses Taught at the Politecnico di Milano:

  1. Architecture Drawing 2 (Topographic) within Architecture Drawing 2 + Photogrammetric Survey Laboratory (Master of Science Degree, Building Engineering/Architecture, School of Engineering EDA).
  2. Survey Advanced Techniques within the Course of Architectural Preservation Studio (Master of Science Degree, School of Architecture and Society).
  3. Urban And Environmental Relief within Architectural Design Laboratory.
  4. Courses of Photogrammetry, GIS and Cartography, Post‐ Graduate School (SBAP‐ Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e Paesaggio).

Member of the Faculty Council of the School of Doctoral Studies in “Geodesy and Geomatics” at Politecnico di Milano and of “Architecture, Built Environment And Construction Engineering”.
Scientific Responsible of the GIcarus lab (4D BIM ‐ GIS ‐ SDI), Geospatial Information@Content modeling:

Architectural heritage&built environment&EUrbanAtl@s Data Surveying (www.icetrilevamento.lecco.polimi.it, www.gicarus.polimi.it).

She has authored more than 100 scientific publications, peer review scientific journals, and of an IT book on Technical Specification on Georeferencing Cultural Heritage for the Risk map of RL. Main research activities: Geoinformation data management and WEB GIS in the Cultural and Environmental Heritage survey, SDI, Geoclustering, 3DOpen Source information platform (Geo‐portal), tools and web services implementation INSPIRE compliant, UAV data collection and on site data integration of satellite data, 4D BIM modelling, Object Recognition‐Reconstruction (ORR), Laser scanner and Photogrammetry.
Her contribution for the FORMAT‐OE hosted at the University of Leicester focused on experienced Application oriented researches on “Multiscale Geospatial Information&Content modeling & monitoring for Built environment, EUrbanAtl@s data Surveying, Geoclustering and Energy Dispersion Map for Energy Efficiency Building domain: on site data integration with satellite data”.

International Collaboration, roles in scientific and technical committees:

‐Since 2012, member of the STEERING COMMITTEE and SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL E2BA (Energy Efficient Building Association, PPP Private Public Partnership), of the E2B EI, Energy Efficient Building European Initiative (Eu2020 objectives, Horizon2020 Challenge, Decarbonization2050), support of multiscale Surveying and GI.

‐Since 2010 she collaborates as Polimi Associate Member of Lombardy Region within NEREUS (Network of the EU Regions for Using Space technologies), WGs GMES and CET Programme, to performs scientific and technologic research for Space GMES services development devoted to downstream services deployment.

‐Kahosl University College Sint Lieven and RLICC (Unesco Chair on Preventive conservation and monitoring of monuments and Sites‐KUL Leuven), Be, Teaching staff/ LLP Erasmus 2011‐12‐13 (10th, 11th, 12th WS ARCHDOC ‐ Architectural Heritage Documentation for Conservation) ‐ Partnership in Learning, a training course designed for graduate students of conservation and RLICC Master Post Master”.

‐ICOMOS Member (International Council on Monuments and Sites).

‐2006‐2009, Member of Discussion group and of Scientific Board of UNESCO‐OPEN FORUM Mesopotam Saranda (Albania), SR of the surveying campaign (2006‐2009 with others (Università Ca’ Foscari , Koc University, Istanbul).

Responsibilities in Research Project, Recent co‐financed International and National Research (Research funding)

Coordinator of many Eu research funded project:

2012‐2013, GE2O (FP7,2011,NMP‐ENV‐ENERGY‐ICT‐EeB) “Geo‐clustering to deploy the potential of Energy Efficient Buildings across EU” (Head: CSTB, R. Brumana, Lead of Polimi Partner).

2012‐2015, EASEE‐ Envelope Approach to improve Sustainability and Energy efficiency in Existing multi‐storey multiowner residential buildings (FP7‐2011‐NMP EeB, EeB.NMP.2011‐3 7, Collaborative project‐Large Scale Integration Project; “Energy saving technologies for buildings envelope retrofitting”), R. Brumana project manager for POLIMI.

2009‐2012, ATL@S GEOPORTAL (Water&territory)”, 2009‐2012; www.atlantestoricolombardia.it : (Atl@nte dei catasti storici e delle carte topografiche della Lombardia. Navigare oggi il tempo del territorio di domani). Project Head: Prof. R. Brumana (Funding Source, Fondazione Cariplo, rif 009.n.2006), Politecnico di Milano (Project Head), Partners ASMI, CS PIM, Agenzia del Territorio, Comune di Gorgonzola, Regione Lombardia. (Total Budget 695.K€).