Elvio Manganaro

ICAR/14 - Architectural and urban design

Born in Pavia in 1976, he graduated in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano in 2004. In 2009 he obtained the Ph.D. in Architectural Composition at the Politecnico di Milano, where he started teaching as an adjunct professor from the same year. Between 2016 and 2017 he taught Architectural and Urban Composition at the Politecnico di Torino too. He has participated in numerous conferences, exhibitions, workshops and architecture contests. Since 2019 he has been a researcher in the Department of architecture, built environment and construction engineering of the Politecnico di Milano.
The main research fields concern composition, investigated both in its theoretical and procedural structures, as well as in the teaching traditions, with particular attention to the Italian geography of the schools of architecture.

Among the publications:E. Manganaro, L’altra faccia della luna. Origini del neoliberty a Torino, Libria, Melfi 2018; E. Manganaro, A. Ronzino, Corpo a corpo con un capo d’opera dell’architettura d’autore piemontese a mezzo dell’architettura d’autore piemontese / Hand-to-hand with a masterpiece of Piedmontese auteur architecture by means of Piedmontese auteur architecure, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna 2018; E. Manganaro, Warum Florenz? O delle ragioni dell’espressionismo di Michelucci, Ricci, Savioli e Dezzi Bardeschi, Libria, Melfi 2016; E. Manganaro, Scuole di architettura. Quattro saggi su Roma e Milano, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 2015; E. Manganaro, Funzione del concetto di tipologia edilizia in Italia, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2013