

Participatory and Organised Thermoregulation for Evolved Residential buildings

Marco IMPERADORI (docente coordinatore), Giuliana IANNACCONE, Marco IMPERADORI, Laura MALIGHETTI, Graziano SALVALAI, Andrea VANOSSI

Within TEPORE, by monitoring and analysing data from sensors embedded in two opaque wall envelope solutions in existing buildings with different stratigraphy, it has been possible to generate innovation in a range of products for monitoring, analysing and optimising the operation of air conditioning systems.
The energy management system generated by the project (Home Energy Management System), aimed at the residential market, is connected via a cloud platform, which hosts the control intelligence and can optimise the operation of centralised systems. The experiments were contextualised in the recent developments on cognitive buildings and IOT: the data contained in the BIM information models were verified by surveying ‘from the field’ a set of 6D BIM data (focused on sustainability), allowing the re-iteration of the design-build cycle with new methods.

DABC role

• Design of a multi-sensorial cognitive wall for comparison between classic drywall stratigraphy and one with thermo-reflective insulation and Phase Changing Materials with programmable artificial thermal inertia.
• Realisation of a cognitive wall prototype at Veluxlab and experimental campaign.
• In situ prototype at CMB flat in Rozzano and experimental campaign.


REHOM S.R.L. (coordinator); ENERSEM S.R.L.;, CODERMINE S.R.L.