

Co-generating inclusive mixités in the city

Angela Silvia PAVESI (docente coordinatore)

CO-MIX is a project focused on the youngest groups in the city of Lucca and strongly aimed at social inclusion trained from childhood through processes of capacitation and integration. The preposition “CO”, suffix for collaboration and co-design, and the noun “MIX”, for functional and social mix, represent the drivers and key words.
CO-MIX is an initiative to experiment and stimulate new ways of living, to give life to “new forms of home”.
CO-MIX aims at enhancing the dialogue, the meeting, the relationships that arise in the public places of the cities, and aims at building common actions, collaborative relationships, opportunities for exchange and sharing that improve the lives of the inhabitants.


Comune di Lucca (coordinator), Fondazione Casa Lucca, A.N.F.F.A.S. Onlus di Lucca, Arcidiocesi di Lucca – Ufficio Pastorale Caritas, FINABITA S.p.A., Lucca Crea S.r.l., Human Foundation do & think tank per l’Innovazione Sociale, Fondazione Finanza Etica