

Building Environmental Tools To Empower Responsive Policies Outreaching LIfeCYcle Guide lines and protocols to enable Public Administrations-driven processes in the Italian construction sector

Andrea CAMPIOLI (docente coordinatore), Ilaria OBERTI, Anna DALLA VALLE

Over the past twenty years, Life Cycle methodologies (LC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been introduced in business contexts, while there has been limited adoption in institutional settings. Simultaneously, although these methods have been recognized as effective on a technical level (CE COM 215, 2015), their actual integration into community policies and Public Administration (PA) policies appears marginal.
The project aims to update and enhance the environmental sustainability policies of Italian Public Administrations regarding construction by implementing environmental criteria, assessment-verification-monitoring procedures, and reference targets/benchmarks based on LCA methodologies. The national relevance of the proposed research lies in the extensive socioeconomic implications and expected impacts associated with the dissemination of effective sustainability assessment methods aligned with international standards among stakeholders in the construction sector, along the entire value chain.


Università degli Studi di Genova (coordinator), Università degli Studi di Bologna, Università degli Studi "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria