Paolo Gasparoli

ICAR/12 - Architectural technology

Paolo Gasparoli graduated in Architecture in 1975.

He is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department – Area 08/C1 -SSD ICAR 12 Technology of Architecture.

He is teacher in charge in the area of Building Construction and he has courses as unique teacher or as part of a multidisciplinary team. He has supervised several thesis and Ph.D. thesis projects. He obtained the National Scientific Qualification of Full Professor in the session 2012, with effectiveness from February 2014. Has carried out researches in developing a systematic study on the diagnostic techniques and restoration of historic buildings and monuments, on treatments for historical surfaces, on the risk analysis and the design methodologies with a focus on management and maintenance of existing, historical and more recent buildings, and also on the executive planning of the UNI EN ISO 9000.

He is Author of six volumes as single Author, 11 books as Co-author, and a hundred of articles and technical publications on technology and materials for restoration, reuse and maintenance of historical and monumental buildings and of archaeological sites.

He has managed many research contracts as Scientific Director, for Private Organizations and Public Agencies, including the Ministry For Heritage And Cultural Activities. He is qualified Restorer under Article 7 of D.M. N° 294 of 2000. He works as Technical Director of a specialized Company in maintenance and restoration of historical buildings and monuments. In this capacity he has managed, since 1982, many important building sites for private, public bodies, ecclesiastical authorities, Superintendents.