Corinna Rossi

L-OR/02 - Egyptology and coptic civilization

Corinna Rossi, Architect (University Federico II Napoli) and Egyptologist (M.Phil, Ph.D. Cambridge University), is Associate Professor in Egyptology, Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Umm al-Dabadib (Egypt) and Principal Investigator of the project L.I.F.E. (Living in a Fringe Environment) funded by ERC Consolidator Grant no. 681673.

She is the author of several publications on the relationship between architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt. Since 2001 she has been working on the first scientific exploration of the Kharga Oasis, in Egypt’s Western Desert, where she discovered and documented several archaeological sites. Since 2018 she is a member of the archaeological missions of Museo Egizio, Torino, to Saqqara and Deir al-Medina.