Christian Campanella

ICAR/19 - Conservation and restoration of architecture

Architect (Milan 1986).

The teaching has always been marked on the issues of architectural project for existing buildings, on the inevitable relationship that is established between the new and old by the time they develop designs dedicated, based on the development and understanding of problems related to the degradation of the buildings, the conservative techniques, the structural consolidation, the functionalization and use of an existing building.

All the work done (and still constantly taking place), found (and still find), fully supported by the persistent, and never completed, knowledge of the subject, the events and history that have helped to shape it over time and transform, most often in a state of severe distress.

The study of the problems related to the deterioration in aggression (cortical, structural, environmental), and volume of geometric relationships that comprise it, the inevitable confrontation and report that it has established with the context, the character that marks and makes it unique and not reproducible become the founding basis of the process of rapprochement and development of the project, designed and built by many hands and has always been characterized by strong interdisciplinary.

Studies, surveys, lectures, discussions have produced over the years dedicated designs of important buildings of the past, have contributed to the drafting of essays and monographs often used as a textbook for the study and development of the project intervention always played between preservation and innovation.

Major essays and monographs:
– Opere di Conservazione e Restauro, Il sole24ore, Milano. 2000
– Obras de conservacao e restauro arquitectonico Comune di Lisbona, 2003
– Il rilievo degli edifici, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2004
– Il progetto di Architettura per il costruito, esperienze oltre il restauro, l’Espresso, Roma, 2012
– Due secoli di tutela: dagli stati preunitari alle leggi deroga, Firenze, 2012.

His projects include the following: Villa Gallarati Scotti in Oreno di Vimercate (Milan), Casa Fontana Silvestri and Palazzo Brera in Milan, Basilica of Santa Anastasia in Verona.

He was charged by the FAI (Italian Fund for National Heritage Preservation) to draw up projects for Masino Castle (Turin), the Castello della Manta Church (Cuneo), the Palazzo Baronale of Avio Castle (Trento), and Villa dei Vescovi in Torreglia (Padua).