Gabriele Masera

ICAR/11 - Building production

Graduated in Building Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 1999, he gets a PhD title in 2003 with a dissertation on low-energy houses, related building technologies and assessment methods for sustainability.
He is Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering – ABC) in the field of innovative construction technologies for sustainability and nearly zero-energy buildings. Besides teaching, he researches widely on these topics, taking part also in some national strategic projects and four European projects: about the use of Phase Change Materials in buildings (C-TIDE – FP5), about the definition of sustainable building innovations in 2030 (Smart-ECO – FP6), about technological solutions for the energy retrofit of residential buildings (EASEE – FP7) and about the integration of off-site panels in a BIM approach for energy retrofit (BIM4EEB – Horizon 2020).
He teaches “Sustainable building technologies” (Master in Building and Architectural Engineering, taught in English) and “Architectural Technology Studio” (Master in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, taught in Italian) at the Lecco campus of Politecnico di Milano.
He was the Head of the Master programme in Building and Architectural Engineering from 2016 to 2019 and he is the Deputy Dean of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering.